As long as the wallpaper is well maintained, it can be used for many years, the maintenance method of the wallpaper.
1. When the wallpaper is sometimes used, it is easy to collect dust, so we should always clean it. Generally, we can wipe the surface with a clean rag, without using any detergent or the like. And we should pay more attention to the usual time, do not let the harder things go to the wall, affecting the beauty.
2, we choose the time to paste the wallpaper is best to choose the day, this time to maintain indoor ventilation, because the tide is very large at night, it is not suitable for construction. Moreover, after the wallpaper is attached, there is a time for the glue to dry, and there is no strong wind blowing during this period, as this may result in insufficient adhesion.
3. Before the wallpaper is constructed, we should check the surface of the wall to see if the surface of the wall is smooth, so as to prevent the effect of the sticker from being uneven. Also make sure that the surface of the wall is dry, because if the wall is wet, it will easily cause the wallpaper to get wet and affect the life of the wallpaper.
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