The health care feeds commonly used in egg ducks include growth promoters (such as antibiotics, synthetic antibacterials and enzyme preparations), and deworming health care agents (such as anticoccidial drugs). Although it is not an intrinsic nutrient in the feed, it has no nutritional value, but it has the effects of inhibiting bacteria, preventing disease, maintaining body health, improving palatability, promoting growth, and improving feed remuneration.
Chinese herbal medicine feed additive
As a feed additive, Chinese herbal medicine has small toxic and side effects, is not easy to remain in the product, and has a variety of nutrients and biologically active substances, and has the dual functions of nutrition and disease prevention. Its natural, multifunctional and nutrient characteristics can enhance immunity, hormone-like, vitamin-like, anti-stress, anti-microbial, etc., and has broad application prospects.
Feed enzyme additive
Enzymes are proteins with special functions synthesized by animals and plants. They are also catalysts for promoting the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and participate in the biochemical reactions of various metabolic processes in the body. Adding enzyme preparations to duck feed can increase the digestibility of nutrients.
Commonly used feed enzyme additives are single enzyme preparations and complex enzyme preparations. Single enzyme preparations, such as α-amylase, β-glucanase, lipase, cellulase and phytase; complex enzyme preparations are mainly composed of one or several single enzyme preparations, plus other single enzymes The preparation is mixed or obtained by fermentation of one or several microorganisms. The complex enzyme preparation can simultaneously degrade a variety of substrates (a variety of anti-nutritional factors and various nutrients) in the feed, which can maximize the nutritional value of the feed. The feed enzyme preparation products at home and abroad are mainly complex enzyme preparations, such as feed compound enzymes mainly based on protease and amylase.
Enzyme preparations are mainly used to supplement the deficiency of endogenous enzymes in animals; glucanase-based feed compound enzyme preparations are mainly used for feeds based on barley and oats; cellulase and pectinase-based The main function of feed compound enzyme is to destroy the plant cell wall, release the nutrients in the cells, be easy to be digested by enzymes, promote digestion and absorption, and eliminate the anti-nutritional factors in the feed, promote the digestion and absorption of the animals; The protease, amylase, glucoamylase, glucanase and pectinase-based feed complex enzymes can combine the above-mentioned enzymes to have a stronger digestion-enhancing effect. The amount of the enzyme preparation depends on the size of the enzyme activity, and the activity of the different enzyme preparations is different, and the effect of supplementing the enzyme preparation is related to the age of the animal.
Because the nutrient element of the major minerals that is most lacking in modern aquaculture and feed industry is phosphorus, 70% of the phosphorus in crops such as soybean meal, cotton aphid, rapeseed meal, corn and bran is phytate phosphorus, which cannot be used by ducks. , excreted with the feces in vain. This not only causes waste of resources, pollutes the environment, but also phytic acid exists in the digestive tract of animals in the presence of anti-nutritional factors, which will affect the absorption of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and other cations and proteins, starch, fat and vitamins. Phytase can hydrolyze phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate) to release available phosphorus, which not only eliminates anti-nutritional factors, increases available phosphorus, but also increases the absorption and utilization of other nutrients that are antagonized. .
Microecological preparation
Microecological preparations, also known as beneficial bacteria preparations or probiotics, are live bacteria preparations for animal nutrition and health care by artificially screening and breeding beneficial microorganisms in animals and then being produced by modern bioengineering. It contains dozens of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of dozens of livestock and poultry, such as Kato bacteria, effective microorganisms (EM), probiotics, etc., and also a single bacterial preparation, such as lactic acid bacteria preparation. However, in the aquaculture industry, in addition to some special needs, a combination of various bacteria is used. In addition to feed additives and drinking water, it can also be used to ferment straw and duck manure to make bio-fermented feed, which not only improves the digestion and absorption rate of roughage, but also turns waste into treasure and reduces pollution. After entering the digestive tract, the microecological preparation first establishes and restores the dominant flora and micro-ecological balance in the digestive tract, and produces some digestive bacteria, antibiotic-like substances and biologically active substances, thereby improving the digestion and absorption rate of the feed and reducing the feed cost; Escherichia coli and other harmful bacteria infection, enhance the body's disease resistance and immunity, can use less or no antibacterial drugs; significantly improve the breeding environment, so that the smell of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other odor gases in the duck house is reduced by more than 70%.
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