Extreme temperatures can severely affect the performance of lithium batteries, but researchers have previously focused more on preventing it from overheating or catching fire than on performance degradation at low temperatures. Obviously, the latter is of crucial importance for electric vehicles, drones, and even space exploration. Fortunately, researchers at Pennsylvania State University have found a way to make lithium batteries "self-heating" in low-end environments to ensure performance.
The environment below 0°C will seriously affect the performance of lithium batteries, and the "anxiety" of electric vehicle owners will also increase. In addition to slow charging and inefficient regenerative braking, it can even reduce cruising range by up to 40%.
In fact, as early as 2010, there have been electric car manufacturers trying to take measures to resolve this shortcoming. For example, Ford has deployed a thermal management system on Pure Electric Focus that can heat or cool the battery to the right temperature.
However, in general, the cold environment is still the enemy of the performance of electric vehicles. The Pennsylvania State University’s research team uses a method of connecting one end of a nickel foil to a lithium battery and its negative electrode.
Use the internal resistance of the battery to heat until the temperature returns to above 0°C. At this point the integrated temperature sensor will give feedback and close the subsystem because the battery is already "normally working".
During the test, this solution enabled the battery to recover from -20°C to 0°C (-4°F to -32°F) within 30 seconds. Even better, this process only consumes 3.8% to 5.5% of the total electricity.
Compared with the 40% over-cooled battery life, using such a low price to obtain a rebound in the performance of lithium batteries will definitely make many manufacturers rush. Finally, it should be pointed out that this solution will only increase the battery weight by 1.5% and the cost will only mention 0.04%.
Details of this study have been published in the recently published Nature journal.
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