High-speed centrifuge high-speed motor maintenance knowledge

High-speed centrifuge and ultra-high-speed centrifuge drive parts are high-speed motor, for high-build motor, with the general method of maintenance of ordinary motor repair, may not be repaired, repaired, may not be able to ask for a long time. According to the practical experience at home and abroad, introduce the different maintenance methods of the 2O000RPM high speed motor and the ordinary low speed motor. l Determine if you need to dismantle the armature to observe whether there is spark between the brush and the commutator during the operation of the motor and the degree of sparking appears, (I) There is no spark, which indicates that the brush and the commutator are normal and need not be repaired; 2) There are only 2 to 4 very small sparks, then carefully observe the commutator surface if it is flat. In most cases may not need to be repaired; (3) in addition to r have 4 to F a very small spark, and another 1 ~ 3 large sparks, you do not have to disassemble the armature, just sandpaper brush commutator; (4) If there are four sparks, you need sandpaper commutator, or even to be carefully commutation At this point the car must be removed with the carbon brush and armature down.Of course, a giant commutator is processed, we must change carbon brush grinding carbon brush. 2 The method of disassembling the high-speed motor is because when the end cap and the armature are disassembled, the vibration will damage the carbon brush, and the carbon brush should be taken out from the carbon brush first. And solid as the two Ciji and reacher angle is not necessarily the same, in order to ensure that the installation can be restored to its original state, the carbon brush around will not be equipped with anti, you must remove the carbon brush before to make a mark on the carbon brush. Remember not to touch the carbon and commutator contact surface. One end of a high-speed motor usually has a heat-release dysentery. At the other end, there may be a magnet or a speed-measuring ring for measuring the speed. Be careful when disassembling the cooling fan and the magnet or the speed-measuring ring. , Speed ​​magnet touch bad. Secondly in the fan sleeve or between the magnet sleeve and shaft proud of a mark, so that after repair can be installed according to the original mark position because the dynamic balance test of high-speed motor is with a fan or speed ring (speed magnetic Steel), so the assembly, it must be removed according to the mark assembly in the general motor repair is irrelevant trivial, I surface in the repair of high-speed motor can be related to the overall situation. Because once the speed ring or fan blade is damaged, or the segments are marked with a mark, even if the other parts are well repaired, the unbalance vibration of the whole machine may also occur when assembled at high speed. When removing high-speed motor can not be used hammer, punching? Hard knock hard to pry with Rama, the use of Rama should pay attention to: pull the top to top directly on the top eyes. Pad A pad that is designed to protect the top eye on the armature shaft from damage. Fluorine butterfly valve fixed electric pull both ends of the end cap, before the demolition of a seven cap to be marked on the bottom. Remove the armature bearings should be carefully cleaned, clean with a clean gas petrol until the petrol and then 7014 (or 7018) bearing grease filled bearing chamber (high-speed motor bearings can not be used ordinary butter, disulfide Molybdenum). Place in a clean place to stand; If the commutator surface smooth and purple luster, which is the oxide layer can protect the commutator surface with a soft brush to remove the surface powder can be 3 Commutator repair (1) the commutator is basically flat, but there are minimal scars or sparks, such as the second case l port 1 to manually grind with water sandpaper grinding without removing the armature. Grinding order is: press the outer arc of the commutator, machining a wooden tool, will be several different thickness of sandpaper cut into strips as wide as the commutator, remove the carbon brush (note Remove the handle on the carbon brush with carbon brush groove mark, to ensure that the installation will not be wrong about the wrong) with a sandpaper wrapped wood tools real commutator, with the other hand according to motor rotation direction, light Light rotary axis commutator grinding. The use of sandpaper in the order of coarse and fine after a sandpaper blind can not be used, and then change to a thinner sandpaper until the thinnest water sandpaper (or metallographic sandpaper) (or metallographic sandpaper) 2) Commutator surface is obviously uneven (touch by hand) or spark when the motor is running as the fourth case. Need to dismantle the armature at this moment, use the lathe to process the commutator lathe to be the precision lathe, the concrete craft is: The rotational speed is 1 600 r / rain, take the amount of knife is 0.03mm, eat the knife is 0.1 to 0.05mm Turning tool needs high quality Alloy turning tools. 4 Armature running in accordance with the demolition of the reverse order to install the armature and carbon brush, gently move the commutator, manually run the carbon brush. Grind the commutator according to the method of (1). After the power is turned on, the running-in process is as follows: first run-in at 5000 RPM for 10 hours without load, and find out the larger spark during the running-in process. If there is no spark, the second stage can use 10 000 RPH, Taiwan 4 h. After all normal can enter the third stage. The third stage is a load of 2 500 RPM, if the load is run with a high-speed centrifuge can be connected centrifuge tachometer for the quasi-match, but must be used at the highest speed centrifugal head light load if Ultra-high-speed centrifuge to do a load run-in, be sure to understand the gear ratio.Let another set the speed such as 80 000 r / rain ultra-high centrifuge, high speed revolving small rotor can be used to make the load lighter, Because the ultra-high-speed centrifuge gearshift speed ratio foot 4.2: 1, so when the tachometer indicates 10 000 rrain motor actual speed is about 2 500 r / rain above the entire no-load, there is load running-in process such as The fourth case that there are several small sparks or more than two sparks can not continue, in addition to carefully check the installation is qualified but also returned to the previous run-in process mushrooms new run-in until qualified.