1, pump model meaning? A: 40lg12-15 model as an example: 40 - import and export diameter (mm), lg-high-rise building feed pump (high speed), 12-flow (m3 / h), 15- single-stage head (m). 200qj20-108 / 8 Model: 200 --- that frame (200), qj --- submersible pump, 20-flow (20m3 / h), 108 --- head (108m), 8 --- level Number (8) 2, the basic composition of the pump? A: The pump consists of motor, coupling, pump head (body) and the base (horizontal) form. The main parameters of the pump are: flow, with [buy] fire pump, spray pump, sewage pump [purchase] bearing accessories [purchase] air lock valve [purchase] signal amplifier [purchase] valve [purchase] centrifugal pump [purchase] legislation Multi-stage pump [Procurement] fuel tank [Procurement] Speed ​​?? frequency control motor