Construction Information (10.12): Copper and Aluminum

The "Risk Warning" section of the journal aims to describe the risk of long and short positions through the icon of the star flag. It can be used as a reference for investors when dealing with open positions. In practice, investors need to trade according to their own short-term lines. Different strategies and different varieties of fluctuations in the characteristics of a specific grasp. The specific star classification criteria are as follows: ☆ The reverse run range of new-year closing price may be less than 2%. ☆ ☆ The reverse run range of new-year closing price may be greater than 2%. ☆☆ ☆ The price range is reversed from the newer closing. The rate may be greater than 3%. ☆☆☆☆ The reverse run of the period from the newer closing may be greater than 4%. ☆☆☆☆☆ The reverse run of the period from the newer closing may be greater than 5% Risk Warning: Bulls: ☆ Short Risks: ☆ Tips before the move: Orient: Copper: LME March copper prices hit record highs again in early March due to the market turnover caused by the Columbus Day holiday and the annual meeting of the LME's annual industrial conference, but with the emergence of profit-taking, Intraday prices fell for a time, the overall trend showed a wide range of high volatility, compared to the final income at 3138 US dollars / ton, compared with the previous trading day fell 2 US dollars / ton, fluctuations in the range of 3177.5 ~ 3112.5 US dollars / ton. Yesterday, the LME copper stocks decreased by 1800 tons to 90,200 tons, which provided support for copper prices. From the trading trend of the LME copper prices yesterday, there was some support near the copper price of 3100 dollars, but at the same time the resistance above the copper price was at 3200 dollars. After undergoing a period of consecutive upswings, copper prices may oscillate in the 3100~3200 US dollars box in the short term. After Shanghai's domestic copper reached a recent high in yesterday's session, it also showed a wide range of fluctuations. The disk shows that the recent month contract has slightly lightened up, and the far month contract continues to increase substantially. It is expected that Shanghai copper may maintain its high price volatility. Yesterday, the spot price once again rose, reported 32200 ~ 32300 yuan / ton. Aluminium: Affected by profit-taking, yesterday's aluminum prices in LME fell by a certain margin. Domestic aluminum prices in Shanghai have turned upwards. From the current situation of domestic aluminum, aluminum prices are currently lacking in speculation. The promotion of funds, but attractive prices will continue to attract investors' intervention, and there is still room for growth in the later period. The spot price of domestic aluminum changed little yesterday to 17320 to 17350 yuan/ton. Ma Hongqing: The LME copper price showed a consolidation trend in Monday's trading. The period price was supported at an integer mark of 3100. The spot premium was still maintained at more than 150 US dollars. Technically, copper price still reached new high kinetic energy, but due to the high price of copper price, Investors are considering increasing the stop loss position for long positions. Shanghai CU501 CU is expected to test an integer mark of 30,000 here on Tuesday. The support is located at 29,800, followed by 29,500. LME aluminum prices fell into a consolidation trend in Monday's trading. After a continual substantial increase in positions, the price needs to be consolidated. Looking at the current 1780/1800 holding costs, we believe that aluminum prices will be supported at 1820/1840. And once this position is broken, it means that a large-scale adjustment may start. Technically, it indicates that the aluminum price is currently in a critical position, and the price will rise sharply if it breaks through, otherwise it will be the subtle moment at the top. In terms of fundamentals, aluminum prices are still rising. It is expected that Shanghai Al AL501 will maintain trading between 17500/17800 on Tuesday. Investors are advised to hold long positions in the hands with a stop loss at 17250. Daily commentary: He Haihai: LME March Copper took a strong rally on Shanghai copper over the weekend, the intra-market trade continued to climb, and ended the day at Changyang, with the price hitting 3,150 USD. Shanghai copper prices started to fall slightly after a slight oscillation today, the market is actively trading, and the high prices and low prices have attracted a certain amount of initiative to sell. The fundamentals, LME inventory structure is still grim; the United States in September non-agricultural employment is not ideal, the dollar fell, supporting the price of copper. In the news, the copper mine belonging to Codelco, Chile, had a strike on Friday, which was favorable for copper prices. Higher crude oil prices are also an important factor in pushing up metal prices. Although crude oil prices are a factor that suppress macroeconomics in the long run and thus affect metal demand, in the short term, it is more important to have a negative impact on the US dollar exchange rate. The US dollar depreciated under the influence of rising crude oil, which has played a catalytic role in the metal market. If crude oil continues to rise, the metal market will still receive incentives from the depreciation of the dollar. Technically, LME copper futures aluminum has shifted to a large spread after the long-term horizontal oscillation. This shows that the severe breakout after the long-term consolidation is underway. It is still not clear when the period price will reach its peak. From the perspective of the average, the price never broke below the 10-day moving average after breaking upwards, indicating that the rising speed is fast and the expected price will continue to rise. Operational advice: strong, but it is not recommended to chase overseas shipments: LME market report: London October 11 news: The selling pressure by the fund, the London Metal Exchange (LME) most of the base metal prices fell on Monday. However, it was well supported at the low point and narrowed the decline throughout the day. Affected by the large gains in the previous period, the nickel price in the benchmark three months fell by 4.7% to close at US$16,145. The closing price on the 8th was close to a 15-year high of $17,700. Analysts said that the long-term liquidation of the fund and the producer's long-term selling pressure were the main factors affecting the lower nickel price. If the US$15,800 support level is effectively broken, nickel prices are expected to continue falling. The benchmark aluminum price fell by 1.2% in three months. Traders said that the Columbus Day holiday and the annual meeting of the London Metal Exchange (LME) industry were the main factors that contributed to the downturn in the market. The benchmark three-month copper price fell by 2 U.S. dollars, lower by 3,112.50 U.S. dollars. The benchmark price of tin rose for the third trimester. Traders believe that due to the fact that other base metals except tin have risen to varying degrees last week, the higher tin price today should be a supplementary market. COMEX copper market report: New York, October 11 news: Affected by the purchase of funds, the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX) December copper futures showed a trend of constricting all day on Monday, closing slightly lower and the market trading light. December copper prices fell 10 points to close at 146.85 cents. It was 146 cents lower and 148 cents higher throughout the day. Traders said that the Columbus Day holiday and the annual meeting of the London Metal Exchange (LME) industry were the main factors that caused the market to slump. Analysts said that early in the absence of funds to participate in the case of lower, which is different from the recent market's larger features. The recent market has fund participation every day. After midday, prices rebounded with the participation of some funds. Data on the 8th showed that the fund’s long-term liquidation contract increased by 4,212, reaching 28,247, which was higher since February. The upside resistance for December copper is expected to be 150 cents and 154.75 cents, with support at 142.35 cents, 141.95 cents and 140 cents. Analysts believe that if the price falls to the above support level, it may only be a small adjustment during the uptrend, and each callback is an intervention opportunity. On the 11th, LME copper stocks fell by 1,800 metric tons to 90,200 metric tons. 8th COMEX copper stocks fell by 590 short tons to 46,885 short tons

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