Abele Silver Poplar
Abnormal wood Abnormal wood
Acoustic acid board
Acoustical board
Adjustable template Adjustable template
Adult wood Adult wood
African blackwood African blackwood Dalbergia
African ebony African ebony
African mabogany African mahogany
African padauk African rosewood
Aging Aging, Aging
Air drying Air drying
Air seasoning
Alaska fir Alaska fir trees
Alaska yellow cedar Alaska cypress
Alder Alder
American ash American ash
American beech American beech
American eim American cockroach, white cockroach
American plane American plane wood
American tulipwood Basswood
Annual ring Annual ring
Apron Watch
Armor-plywood Metal Plywood
Arris edge
Artificial slabs
Artificial timber Artificial timber
Ash ash
Aspen Aspen
Babool gum arabic
Back backplane
Back board backplane
Back veneer liner
Bald cypress
Bamboo Bamboo
Basswood Basswood, American Basswood
Batten board Blockboard Blockboard
Beech beech wood
Beech parquet beech parquet flooring
Bent wood
Birch white birch,
Birdseye maple bird eyes maple
Block floor
Board Board
Bottom base plate
Branch wood Branches
Brazilian Mahogany Brazilian Mahogany
Bright sap Netted sapwood without sapwood
Broad leaf wood Hardwood
Brown ash American dark ash
Burl tree shrew, tree tumour
Caul pad, liner
Cedar cedar, pine
Ceylon ebony ebony
Cherry Cherry
Chile pine Chilean pine
Chinese chi (Chinese) lacquer tree
Chip wood chips
# 1 common level
#2 common
Compreg press wood
Compressed wood compressed wood
Coniferous species coniferous species
Continuous layer board
Cork cork
Cottonwood Cottonwood, Poplar (Populus grosvenorii)
Crook curved wood
Cross rail
Crotch right
Curly birch wrinkled birch
Curved laminated wood
Curved plywood curved plywood
Cypress conifer
Dado siding, skirts
Damp room panel moisture-proof panel
Decay rot
Deciduous species
Décor panel panel, decorative panel
Delta wood multilayer wood
Densified wood Reinforced wood
Density of wood
Depth of cut (depth)
Diffuse porous wood
Dimension specifications
Dimension stock material
Dimple djohar ripple
Door frame
Door lining door frame
Dovetail Door Liner
Dowel Dovetail
Drawer front
Drawer side
Dressed timber
Eastern cottonwood (United States) Eastern Poplar
Eastern Hemlock (Canada) Hemlock
Eastern larch
Eastern white pine (United States)White Pine
Ebony Ebony
Edge cutting Edge
Elm 榆木
Elm burl Beech tree knobs
End cutting
English plane English Plane
Eucalyptus eucalyptus, eucalyptus (class)
Eucalyptus pom lemon tin wood board
Europe cherry European cherry wood
Eropean ash European ash
European beech European birch
European birch European birch
European chestnut European chestnut
European hop-hornbeam
European horse-chestnut European horse chestnut tree
European larch European larch
European lime European Beech
European spruce European spruce
European yew European yew
Excelsior-board Wood wool board
Exotics Exotics
Exterior plywood Outdoor Plywood
Face veneer surface veneer
FAS Level 1 and Level 2
FAX 1F Single Level
Fibre board
Fiddle back violin back (board)
Fiddle butt musical instruments
Figured Shadowwood
Figured sycomore
Fine wood board
Flakeboard particle board
Flakes flake
Flame-retardant fibre building board
Flat-grain lumber flat cut sheet
Flooring Flooring
Flush panel Flat panel
Formed plywood Molded (molded) plywood
Frame core flush panel Hollow board
From sustainable forests From sustainable forests
Furniture dimension stock
Furniture plywood furniture plywood
Furniture veneer sheet for furniture
Gap from the seam
Giant cedar (USA) arborvitae
Gloss gloss
Grade level
Grade of lumber Grade
Graded graded
Grain texture
Hackberry Hackberry
Band selected Hand pick
Hard board Hardboard
Hard maple Hard maple, hard tree
Hardy catapa (USA) eucalyptus
Heat board
Hickory Hickory
High-density plywood compressed plywood, high density plywood
High gloss Super gloss
High moisture resistant (HMR) High strength resistant
Hipboard Blockboard
Hole drilling
Honey-comb core plywood Honeycomb Heart Plywood
Huanghauli wood
Identification of timbers Identification of timbers
Imitation wood Imitation wood
Imported timber Imported timber
Impregnated wood impregnated wood
Indian camphor Indian camphor
Indian chestnut Indian chestnut
Indian cinnamon cinnamon
Indian ebony Indian ebony
Indian "laurel" Indian "laurel"
Insect Attack
Inserting panel
Install wood strip flooring Install wood strip flooring
Japanese beech Japanese Beech
Japanese larch Japanese larch
Japanese(red)pine Japanese pine
Japanese thuja
Japanese white pine Japanese white pine
Joint flooring
Jointless flooring Seamless flooring
Karelian birch Kyriad birch
Kerf width width
Khaya African Mahogany
Kiln dried pine Kiln dried pine
Kiln drying kiln drying
Kind of timber
Kirl Paulownia
Knob Festival
Knock-down carcass ready-to-remove frame
Knot Festival, thrifty
Laminate Lamination
Laminated wood laminated timber, multi-layer glued wood
Leg Legs, Feet
Liquid cutting of wood Hydraulic cutting
Log logs
Log grade Log rank