Two enterprises in Hebei Province are supposed to respond to the anti-dumping stick of diamond saw blades

Recently, the Bureau of Import and Export Fair Trade and Industrial Damage of the Provincial Department of Commerce was informed that the US International Trade Commission (ITC) has made a final ruling on the anti-dumping case of diamond saw blades originating in China and South Korea. The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Commerce introduced that it can win the case in the ITC final ruling. In recent years, the US anti-dumping case against China is rare. In the process of responding to the lawsuit, Shijiazhuang Boshen Tools Group Co., Ltd. of Hebei Province and Hebei Yukai Industrial Group Co., Ltd., through investigating the profit space of the relevant industries in the United States, argued with the US International Trade Commission and finally won the victory for the entire industry. great merit.

On June 14 last year, the US Department of Commerce announced that it had initiated an anti-dumping investigation on diamond saw blades and their accessories imported from China and South Korea in response to the application of the "Golden Saw Blade Production Enterprise Alliance" consisting of nine domestic manufacturing companies. According to the news, domestic enterprises have responded to complaints. Among the more than 20 responding companies in China, Shijiazhuang Boshen Tools Group Co., Ltd. and Hebei Haokai Industrial Group Co., Ltd. are the dominant enterprises in the domestic diamond tool industry. Production, sales and export volume have been among the best in the domestic industry for many years. It can be said that in this anti-dumping investigation, the two enterprises are the most important responding enterprises, so they are listed as compulsory sample survey enterprises by the US Department of Commerce, and only three companies listed as compulsory surveys nationwide.

"We got the news in the first place." Shijiazhuang Boshen Tools Group Co., Ltd. is responsible for the anti-dumping affairs of Zhao Xue. The US market accounts for 60% of its exports. The amount of anti-dumping cases is about US$26 million. The amount involved in Boshen’s case amounted to more than US$8 million, accounting for about one-third of the total amount involved. It was listed by the US Department of Commerce as a sample survey enterprise. first. After being filed an anti-dumping investigation by the US Department of Commerce, the company's Boshen USA Company hired US lawyers and a US economist to represent all cases involving Chinese diamond saw blades. On December 20, 2005, the US Department of Commerce announced the preliminary results: China's dumping margin was 0.11% to 164.09%, and Boshen's preliminary tax rate was 16.34%.

"This is different from the results of the initial measurement. After inspection, we found that the calculations of the US Department of Commerce were incorrect. They promised to make changes in the final ruling." Zhao Xue introduced that from February 27 to March 3 this year, the US Department of Commerce Officials conducted on-site inspections of Boshen. On May 16, the US Department of Commerce issued the final result, and the result was that the dumping margin of Chinese companies was 2.5% to 164.09%. As the US Department of Commerce unilaterally raised the financial indicators of the alternative country, India, Boshen and Kaikai were each ruled a higher single tax rate of 34.19% and 48.5%, and other companies participating in the lawsuit received a weighted average tax rate of 20.72%. The tax rate of unreported enterprises is 164.09%.

In the face of the unfair ruling of the US Department of Commerce, Boshen and Yukai rely on the assistance of the Ministry of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electrical Appliances, and the Provincial Department of Commerce to investigate and master the relevant industries in the United States with the cooperation of the lawyers hired. The profit margins and the arguments of the US International Trade Commission, which ultimately won the victory.

Zhang Jianguo, director of the Bureau of Import and Export Fair Trade and Industrial Damage of the Provincial Department of Commerce, told reporters that the US Department of Commerce and the US International Trade Commission are independent judicial investigation agencies, the US Department of Commerce is responsible for investigations of dumping conduct, and the US International Trade Commission is responsible for industrial damage investigations. If the relevant industry is not threatened by damage and substantial damage, there is no dumping. On June 19th, the US International Trade Commission made a final ruling on the case, vetoing the final result of the US Department of Commerce, confirming that China's diamond saw blades did not cause damage to related industries in the United States. This ruling laid a solid foundation for the export of diamond saw blades to the US and the sustained and stable development of the entire industry.

Zhang Jianguo said that it is victorious to respond to the lawsuit, and refusal to respond is equal to "no war." The reason why our products can be protected from anti-dumping "big sticks" is because we have provided sufficient evidence. In recent years, anti-dumping companies in our province have encountered more and more anti-dumping. In addition to the support of the government departments, enterprises must actively respond to the lawsuits and unite with great strength. Once the anti-dumping allegations are established, not only a company but also a company will be damaged. The entire industry.

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