Calcium deficiency in vegetables should be treated with caution

Common characteristics of calcium deficiency: sweet pepper umbilical rot: In the early stage of the disease, the front end of the young fruit (the end of the petal off) is water-stained, and the peel is intact. As the fruit expands, the front part of the fruit shrinks and dark browns. And, the lesion is susceptible to secondary mold infection, showing a rotten top. There is no obvious tomato in the top of the sweet pepper, mainly brown and dead. Umbilical rot usually occurs at the size of the fruit's thumb, and the fruit during the expansion period generally does not occur.

Chinese cabbage dried heart and cabbage heart rot: After the ball is finished, the cabbage and the cabbage are cut open, and the inner leaf edge or the heart leaf together becomes brown and dry. Sometimes the leaves at the beginning of the ball will also show symptoms of calcium deficiency, which is characterized by leaf margin wrinkling and browning. The edible rate of calcium-deficient cabbage and Chinese cabbage decreased significantly, and the taste was abnormal, which seriously affected the quality.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in broccoli: apical growth is blocked, new leaves are yellow, leaves are scorched, and the plants are not fresh. The roots are less visible, yellow-brown, and roots have few root hairs.

Calcium-deficient conditions The soil itself is deficient in calcium: high soil salinity; inhibits roots from absorbing water and nutrients; soil drought increases soil solution concentration, reduces root water absorption, thereby inhibiting calcium absorption; excessive ammonium nitrogen application inhibits The absorption of calcium in vegetables and the incidence of dry heart disease in Chinese cabbage increased with the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application, showing a positive correlation.

Corresponding countermeasures for calcium deficiency should control the amount of fertilizer. It is not advisable to use too much fertilizer at one time, especially with chlorinated fertilizers such as ammonium chloride and potassium chloride; it is necessary to irrigate in time to prevent soil drought; to spray calcium on the foliage, chlorination is optional. Calcium and calcium nitrate are used as spray fertilizers, and the concentration is 0.3% to 0.5%. Generally, they are sprayed once every 7 days, and even sprayed 2 times to 3 times. Tomatoes should be sprayed with 2 to 3 leaves above and below the flowering inflorescence; Chinese cabbage is sprayed with calcium at the beginning of the balling stage. In addition, the addition of auxin substances such as naphthaleneacetic acid during calcium spraying can promote the absorption of calcium. The specific method is: calcium chloride 0.7%, naphthalene acetic acid 50ppm (0.005%), sprayed after mixing Apply lime fertilizer, such as gypsum, superphosphate, calcium magnesium phosphate, etc. Calcium soil generally does not need to apply calcium fertilizer alone, usually calcium components have entered when applying phosphate fertilizer.
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Light Therapy Lamp

How Does the "Light Therapy Lamp" WORK. In autumn and winter, the seasons with the least sunlight because of shorter days, the lack of sunlight and a problem with certain brain chemicals stops the hypothalamus working properly. The lack of light is thought to affect the production of the hormo-ne melatonin (that makes you sleepy)."Light Therapy Lamp" uses bright lights to simulate the sunlight during the darker autumn and winter, whilst eliminating the dangerous UV rays contained in sunlight. The additional light helps adjust the levels of melatonin that can help the symptoms .

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