The new adventure robot rotates 360 degrees to take away dangerous goods

Yesterday, I learned from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) that the expedition robot invented by Zhou Wenbin, a junior at the School of Engineering, can take 360 ​​degrees to remove dangerous goods. At present, the expedition robot has obtained national patents.
The robot weighs about 1.5 kilograms, can walk 12 meters per minute, can rotate 360 ​​degrees, can climb stairs, cross obstacles of 0.2 meters high; the robot has four tracks, when he is four feet, he can turn over himself, and You can walk straight.
The robot is mainly composed of a display screen, a remote control, a vehicle platform and a robot arm. The robot arm can take away dangerous objects and carry out rock sampling. The robot is provided with a video sensor and a sensing matrix, which can implement dangerous environments such as gas and poison gas. Monitoring, searchlights and cameras were also installed.
Zhou Wenbin introduced that the development of adventure robots, he only spent more than 1,000 yuan. Although the robot can not be compared with the robots that explore the moon and the Mars, its low value, perfect function and reasonable structure are believed to have strong promotion value.
Professor Lu Yushi of the School of Engineering of the school commented that the expedition robot can cope with various complex terrain environments, instead of humans for detecting and venting work, and positioning the living body in dangerous areas such as tunnels and mines.

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