The global PV market is expected to grow by 22.6% in 2011

International research institute iSuppli released its latest PV industry research report in Shanghai, saying that global PV installations will grow by more than 100% year-on-year to 15.7GW (gigawatts) this year, higher than the industry's widely expected 15GW, 2011 growth. Will reach 22.6%.

"The global solar installed capacity is expected to reach 20.2GW next year and the installed capacity will increase by 22.6%," said Henning Wicht, principal analyst of photovoltaic materials and systems at iSuppli. The price will weaken at the end of the first quarter of 2011, and weak prices will lead to demand in the second quarter. Great increase.

Due to the downward adjustment of FIT (on-grid tariff subsidy policy) impact on the German and Italian markets, the current debate on the PV market in 2011 is weak or continue to grow strongly. iSuppli predicts that Germany will lead again with 9.5GW; Italy and the United States are close to 2GW; Czech installed capacity will decline significantly in 2011, from GW to 20%; France's installed capacity will be reduced from the previous 1080MW (MW) To 700MW.

For the installed capacity of the Chinese market next year, iSuppli is expected to expand from 400MW this year to 800MW, and in 2014 it will be about 1.5GW.

Safety Glass

1, the selection of goggles should be selected by the product inspection agency inspection of qualified products;
2. The width and size of the goggles should suit the user's face shape;
3, lens wear rough, lens frame damage, will affect the vision of the operator, should be replaced in time;
4. Goggles should be specially used to prevent eye diseases;
5, the filter and protection of welding goggles should be selected and replaced according to the requirements of the specified operation;

6. Prevent heavy fall and heavy pressure, and prevent hard objects from rubbing lenses and masks.

Two types of use of safety protective glasses:
A. Anti-cementing debris
Mainly used to prevent metal or sand debris and other mechanical damage to the eyes. Lenses and frames should be of solid construction and resistant to impact. The frame of TDAF001 sky shield is equipped with a shielding edge, and there shall be ventilation holes on it. Protective lens can choose toughened glass, adhesive glass or copper wire mesh protective lens.
B. Antichemical solution
Mainly used to protect the eyes from chemical damage caused by irritating or corrosive solutions. Ordinary flat lens can be used, and the frame should be covered to prevent the solution from splashing into. Usually used in laboratories, hospitals and other places, general medical glasses can be universal

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