Raw material market news global aluminum demand rose 6% last year

Recently, the World Bureau of Metals Statistics (World Bureau of Metals Statistics) released data show that in 2011 global aluminum demand rose 6%, production increased by 6.2%. According to WBMS, the total global demand for primary aluminum in 2011 was 42.45 million tons, an increase of 2.389 million tons compared with 2010. In 2011, global primary aluminum production increased by 2.54 million tons, lower than the increase in primary aluminum production in 2010 (3.91 million tons). . China's aluminum production has accounted for more than 41% of the world's total, about 17.88 million tons. In 2011, China was a net exporter of unwrought aluminum, with exports exceeding 433,000 tons. In 2011, the global aluminum market had a surplus of 1.005 million tons. In 2010, the aluminum market had a surplus of 1.05 million tons. In December 2011, global aluminum inventories increased by 525,000 tons, and by the end of the month, the total amount was 7.1 million tons, which was about 61 days of demand. In the same period of 2010, it was 6.5 million tons. As of the end of 2011, the aluminum stocks of the four major exchanges in London, Shanghai, the United States and Tokyo were 5.187 million tons. By the end of December 2011, the global producers' aluminum stocks were 1.003 million tons, which was 207,000 tons higher than in 2010.

Metallographic Polishing Fluid

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