The fundamental way to prevent wood discoloration

The fundamental way to prevent discoloration of wood is to limit the generation and presence of external factors, remove or block the discoloration components inside the wood, and change the structure of the discolored components. For the prevention of chemical discoloration such as photochromism, acid-base discoloration, iron discoloration, and enzyme discoloration, the main cause is to block external factors by means of coating with a paint film, or to dissolve or modify the internal color change component of the wood by solvent soaking or chemical treatment. For the prevention of photochromism: blocking ultraviolet rays, changing the structure of the light absorbing component, isolating oxygen and capturing free radicals, destroying the structure of the substance involved in discoloration, and removing the color changing precursor. For the prevention of enzyme discoloration, reduce the activity of the enzyme and isolate the oxygen, such as acid and alkali treatment to adjust the pH value, change the protein properties by boiling, high frequency heating, inhibit the phenolase activity with antioxidants, and store oxygen in isolation. For the prevention of biochromism, change or destroy environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, pH, oxygen and nutrients suitable for living microorganisms or organisms, such as water spray preservation, plastic sealing and chemical treatment.

There are many theoretical research and treatment methods to prevent wood discoloration, but the existing anti-wood discoloration technology does not have permanent effects, some discoloration (such as blue change) is extremely fast, and the treatment depth, material influence, economic cost, etc. Limit the practical application. The development of low-toxic or non-toxic, highly effective and multifunctional anti-tarnish agents is still an important research direction to prevent wood discoloration.

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