Seco Tools Holds STEP for Public Registration in Shanghai

From August 15th to 17th, 2012, the metal-cutting core course (hereinafter referred to as STEP course) training class was held at the Seco Tools Shanghai Technology Center. The operation form of this training has two features: First, open registration, students can download the registration form from the Seco website; Second, charges, reflecting the value of metal cutting knowledge and skills. On the first day of training, Mr. Claudio Ghielmetti, Technical Director of Seco Tools (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., and Mr. Wang Jun, Marketing Director respectively delivered welcome speeches and introduced the development history of Seco Tools. The lecturer of the STEP course is served by senior training manager Mr. Wang Xin and product management manager Mr. Xiang Huafeng.

Seco's STEP training is divided into three levels: STEPinto, QuickSTEP and STEP core courses.

STEPinto mainly discusses the key role of metal cutting in the world of mechanical engineering. It can be regarded as an industry overview and is mainly applicable to those who have no mechanical professional background.

QuickSTEP, which quickly provides the basics of metal cutting, is an ideal training package for engineers who wish to enrich their knowledge and delve deeper into machining techniques and applications.

The core STEP program can be considered as a professional tool training or advanced training. It integrates nearly 25 years of manufacturing experience and covers important aspects such as cutting tool design, selection, and application. It provides comprehensive knowledge of milling, turning, drilling, threading, and toolholder systems. As the elite part of Seco's internal experts' early training, students who complete the core courses need to invest time and energy, and have a good basic knowledge of machining technology.

The training course held this time is the third-level STEP core curriculum, which focuses on the combination of theory and practice. The theoretical course covers the principles, characteristics and technological basis of milling, turning and hole machining, ISO tool and tool maintenance, metal cutting materials, etc. The practical course emphasizes the mastery of operating skills through grouping, including the average chip breaking thickness of milling tools and Demonstration of machine tool, analysis of chip breaking groove of cutting tool and machine tool demonstration, problem solving and discussion of tool wear, adjustment operation of thermal expansion apparatus and hole processing product. The STEP course requires trainees to not only understand and explain the training knowledge in detail, but also must be able to integrate technology and practical discussions to fully explore their potential value.

The trainees cherished the training very much. They showed a strong enthusiasm for learning and a determination to overcome difficulties in the training process. They fully recognized the value of metal cutting knowledge and skills. The results of the survey showed that most of the trainees thought that the training content involved many of the technical problems they faced at present and they were inspired by the communication and discussion with the lecturers. Some participants stated that the training arrangements are different from traditional teaching. From the time the school entered the factory to return to Seco's classroom, it not only understood advanced cutting concepts, but also learned ways and means to solve workplace problems.

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