How to use herbicides for rice live broadcast

Netizen Jianghuai Spring Warm: I am from Anhui Mingguang. May I ask about rice live broadcast, including live water and dry live broadcast; what is the detailed procedure for sowing? What herbicide is used?

China Pesticide Network : Rice artificial water is similar to that of water breeding. After ploughing and ploughing, it will be ditched to make a raft of about 2 meters wide, and the land will be planted and collapsed; or after the ploughing, the soil will be soiled and soiled according to the soil conditions. 1-3 days, drain, use a stone rope to pull out a trench, "to form a raft of about 2 meters wide. The flat surface of the field can be wider, and the surface of the field is not so flat and narrow, so as to facilitate drainage. The mechanical water used in some places is broadcast live after the land preparation. The water live broadcast uses rice seeds that have been soaked and germinated to whiteness.

The dry land of rice is similar to that of wheat. The artificial dry live broadcast is usually done after ploughing and ploughing the ground to make a 2-4 meter wide raft, artificially spreading and covering the seeds. The wheat field is dry and live. If the field is relatively clean and flat, the ditch is matched, the rice seed can be planted without no-till, and then the seed is shallowly screwed; or the rice and wheat seeding machine can be used to complete the work of spinning, sowing, fertilizing and covering the seeds at one time. . After the sowing, clean up the ditch and fill the water. Dry live broadcast can use dry rice seeds, and can be used for watering after sowing. It is best to use rice seeds that have been soaked and germinated to whitening, which is beneficial to the early emergence of rice seeds, and the formation of large plantlets in the seedling stage is beneficial to the elimination. condition.

In addition to the direct seeding of rice fields, the strategy of “one, two kills, three supplements” is generally adopted. Apply soil for early 1-3 days after sowing for soil closure. In the direct seeding rice field, a mixture of pretilachlor, butachlor, isoproturon, bensulfuron-methyl and pyrazosulfuron-methyl is used. The mixed direct seeding rice field is commonly used as a compounding agent of butachlor and ?f grass ketone, or a compounding agent of butachlor, pretilachlor, pendimethalin, bensulfuron-methyl and pyrazosulfuron. Other drugs such as iso-foxasone are also more commonly used. Pay attention to the application of the soil when the soil is wet. After the application, keep the soil moist for about 1 week, and there should be no water in the surface to avoid pesticide damage.

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