Method for measuring calorific value of coal gangue of chemical card machine

The calorific value of coal gangue is determined by measuring the calorific value of the air-dried base sample. 0.9 g-1.1 g. Our study found that when the calorific value of coal gangue is about 1 g, the main temperature rises about It is 0.2 °C ~ 0.4 °C, which is far lower than the main stage temperature rise of coal calorific value 2~C~3~C. At the same time, due to the low calorific value of combustion of coal gangue and slow burning speed, the test of automatic calorimeter is tested. In the initial stage, the temperature of the inner and outer cylinders is basically the same, and the error of the inner and outer cylinders at the end point is small, making the end point difficult to observe and the time is greatly prolonged. The combination of the two, the parallel error of coal gangue is about 70x4.18 kJ/kg-lOOx4.18 kJ/kg. The method of adding benzoic acid improves the calorific value of a single test, not only the parallel sample error is not significantly reduced, but also the operation is complicated, because not only the benzoic acid and coal gangue samples are weighed, added, and mixed, but the calculation results are deducted. Benzoic acid generates heat. Therefore, such a problem is fundamentally caused by the low heat generation of coal gangue, which causes the temperature rise of a single test to be too small. For this reason, we have considered ways to reduce the amount of inner cylinder water, special oxygen bombs with special quality, and special precision temperature probes to improve the single temperature rise or relative accuracy of coal gangue calorific value determination. Finally, we studied the method of increasing the sample weight to increase the temperature rise and achieved good results. Therefore, we must master the calcination method of coal gangue and make full use of the renewable resources. Method for measuring calorific value of coal gangue

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