Safety Shoes Industry's Innovative Marketing Concept

Under the buyer's market conditions, the marketing concept is doomed to be consumer-centric and to meet consumer demand as a starting point. However, in different historical stages, the needs of consumers, especially the core needs, are often not the same. Therefore, the connotation of marketing ideas should also change. At present, domestic consumers have completed the historical transition from "product purchasers" to "demand-satisfiers", and from the information age, consumers have changed from "demand-satisfiers" to "value-creators" to build marketing in the information age. Ideas should naturally take this transformation as the basic starting point.

The basic theory of economics of traditional marketing management is the theory of firms, that is, the maximization of corporate profits. The actual decision-making process is a one-way chain of market research—marketing—strategy—marketing strategy—reverse marketing control; The customer integrates into the entire marketing decision process. It is the manufacturer's profit overriding the consumer. For the safety footwear industry, consumers in the traditional economic system can only meet the demand by purchasing products produced by safety shoe manufacturers, although this product was developed after the market investigation of safety shoe manufacturers. It is not the design of the individual needs of each consumer. Therefore, the satisfaction of the consumer is only a satisfaction under the constraint conditions.

In the information age, consumers have the initiative to choose. They can conduct two-way and comprehensive information communication with any enterprise in cyberspace in a very short time and at a low cost. This cannot be covered by the traditional economic system. Consumers are not making choices in the products and services that can be produced by safety shoe manufacturers. On the contrary, safety shoe manufacturers should produce and operate what products, based on consumer choice. Consumers have sufficient facilities to integrate their perceptions of life and the world, their emotional and emotional experiences, and their moral values ​​and values ​​into their choice of products, purchase behaviors, and consumption patterns. In the virtual network world, consumers are not buying products or even purely seeking for the satisfaction of their needs. In an era that allows full self-expression, consumers have seen purchase as an important way of embodying their own values ​​and achieving value.

Therefore, in the face of the “value seeker” in the information age, satisfying demands in a general sense can no longer solve the problem fundamentally. Only relying on the center of customer value to help them realize their value pursuit, Shixing safety shoe manufacturers can effectively cater to the different needs of customers, and ultimately obtain the company's own development.

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