Application of Voltage Regulator in DSP Processor

The type of design that the designer must first select when selecting the DSP power supply. Regulators can be divided into two categories, namely linear regulators and switching regulators. Linear regulators are easy to use due to the simple topology consisting of a pass element and an error amplifier. The main advantage of linear regulators is that they typically have low loop noise, low output noise, and good transient performance. The main disadvantage is the low efficiency at large loads and large voltage differences between input and output. The calculation formula for the linear regulator power consumption is:

The input voltage is typically 5V or 3.3V and the output voltage is reduced to 1.0V to 1.2V. This voltage difference multiplied by a load current of 5A or more may result in power consumption that exceeds the linear regulator's ability to withstand. Therefore, the processor power supply usually uses a switching regulator. Switching regulators use inductors and capacitors to store and transfer energy from input to output. This structure is more efficient than a linear regulator because the conduction element is very conductive and always transmits power to the output. The switching regulator can be pulse frequency modulated (PFM) and pulse width modulated (PWM). The advantage of the PFM switching regulator is its light load efficiency, which is a very important feature due to the frequent conversion of the DSP into/out of the low power mode.

The disadvantage of this technique is that the noise is usually higher than the PWM regulator due to the large amount of current being delivered to the output at the beginning of each cycle. This noise can be reduced by adding an additional capacitor to the output. The PWM regulator operates at a fixed frequency and maintains the correct output voltage by varying the pulse width. In general, PWM regulators have the advantage of being low noise and using fewer components when operating at higher frequencies. However, they do have the disadvantage of being light and inefficient, and this drawback can be problematic for processors running in low power mode.

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Label: Application of Voltage Regulator in DSP Processor

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