QBY3 one-way pneumatic diaphragm pump common fault and troubleshooting

QBY3 type one-way pneumatic diaphragm pump for a variety of corrosive liquids, with particles of liquid, high viscosity, volatile, flammable, highly toxic liquid, can be smoked exhausted, especially suitable Flammable and explosive field. However, the long-term use will inevitably have a breakdown, failure will lead to reduced production, shorter life expectancy, and even life-threatening. These failures should be promptly resolved, the following is a small series to introduce QBY3 type one-way pneumatic diaphragm pump common fault and troubleshooting. QBY3-type one-way pneumatic diaphragm pump common fault and troubleshooting methods, but in operation but the flow is too low 1, check the pump for cavitation plaque, adjust the compressed air inlet pressure. Reduce the pump speed to adjust the viscosity and concentration of liquid. 2, check the valve ball is stuck. If the delivery of liquid and valve ball material does not match. The ball will be swollen Please replace the ball and seat of the suitable material. 3, please check whether the inlet pipe is blocked. Second, the pneumatic diaphragm pump can not start or move slowly 1, check the filter, pressure and lubrication devices and air inlet filter is blocked. 2, check whether the air valve stuck by impurities, please remove the valve and clean it, check whether the valve piston scratches. If the piston surface is bright and not black, it means that worn piston and "O" rings need to be replaced. Traces of injury. If the piston surface is bright and not black, it means that worn piston and "O" rings need to be replaced. Please re-replace the new 3, check the spindle and "O" ring for scratches, wear and crushed traces, if damaged, please replace. Third, the pneumatic diaphragm pump diaphragm liquid leakage from the gas outlet 1, please check the diaphragm is broken. 2, check the diaphragm is installed and locked properly. Fourth, the pneumatic diaphragm pump liquid exports contain a lot of bubbles 1, please check whether the rupture of the diaphragm. 2, check whether the pump body and pipeline leak. Further reading: Canton Fair IFAT China building water pump manufacturers ranking ptc Show article belongs to Internet industry (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. All are welcome to reprint, please indicate the source and author of: Asian pumps Network Editor: gogoing (QQ / WeChat:) Starting: http://beng.liuti.cn/ (Service Hotline:)

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