Analysis of the operation of China's hardware industry in 2015

Abstract The growth rate of main business income turned positive. From January to December 2015, the national hardware industry's accumulated main business income increased by 5.78% year-on-year, and the growth rate continued to decline, down 0.48 percentage points from November. In 2015, the hardware industry came out of the main...
Main business income growth rate turned into positive growth
From January to December 2015, the national hardware industry's accumulated main business income increased by 5.78% year-on-year, and the growth rate continued to decline, down 0.48 percentage points from November. In 2015, the hardware industry went out of the trend of rising main business income quarter by quarter, and the quarterly quarter of the quarter was the highest in the quarter. In December, the revenue from the main business increased by 1.8% year-on-year, and the growth rate of the main business income was changed from negative in the previous month to positive growth.
From the perspective of the type of enterprise registration, the main business of domestic-funded enterprises has an absolute advantage. The main business income of 75.61% comes from domestic-funded enterprises, which accounts for 0.11 percentage points higher than the previous month, and the growth rate is higher than the industry average. From January to December 2015, among the national hardware industry, domestic-funded enterprises completed cumulative main business income growth of 7.24% year-on-year; Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwanese investment enterprises completed cumulative main business income growth of 0.8% year-on-year; foreign-invested enterprises completed cumulative master Revenue from operating business increased by 2.26% year-on-year.
In terms of enterprise scale, small and medium-sized enterprises accounted for a relatively high proportion, accounting for 61.49% and 28.45% respectively. Large enterprises have the highest growth rate, and small enterprises have exceeded the industry average. The income of the main business of all scale enterprises has achieved positive growth this month. From January to December 2015, the income from small-scale enterprises' cumulative main business increased by 6.22% year-on-year; the income from medium-sized enterprises' cumulative main business increased by 4.28% year-on-year; the revenue of large enterprises completed cumulative main business increased by 7.45%.
From January to December 2015, in the various sub-sectors of hardware, the accumulated main business income of construction and safety metal products increased by 6.36% year-on-year; the main business income of metal daily necessities manufacturing increased by 7.25% year-on-year; the production of metal packaging containers was completed. The accumulated revenue from the main business increased by 4.66% year-on-year; the sales of hand tools, agricultural gardens and daily-use metal tools increased by 2.99% year-on-year; the accumulated main business income of enamel products increased by 1.68%. This month, all sub-sectors of hardware maintained positive growth. Among them, the growth rate of enamel products industry was the lowest, only 1.7%; the growth rate of metal-made daily necessities manufacturing industry was relatively high, 7.2%, together with the metal products manufacturing industry for construction and safety. The growth rate exceeded the industry average.
From January to December 2015, the production areas with high income from the main business of the national hardware industry were mainly concentrated in Guangdong Province, Zhejiang Province, Hebei Province, Shandong Province, Jiangsu Province, Fujian Province, Henan Province, Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, and Hubei Province. Other areas. The income from the main business in 10 regions accounted for 84.53% of the national total, accounting for a slight increase of 0.37 percentage points in November 2015, and the main business income of key production areas accounted for a relatively high proportion.
Fujian Province's accumulated main business income from January to December increased by 18.06% year-on-year, once again becoming the fastest growing region in the top ten producing areas. In the ten regions, except for the negative growth in the Zhejiang region, other regions have maintained positive growth. Among the regions, the growth rates of Henan, Jiangxi and Hubei are relatively high, both exceeding 10%.

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