Vehicle Rescue Technique (Vehicle Landing) Glass Management

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Once the vehicle is fully stabilized, the glass on the vehicle that touches the vehicle body should be completed. The only exception is the case where quick access to the vehicle is required to perform life-saving treatment on an unresponsive wounded person (emergency glass treatment). If this happens, once the injured have been dealt with, they must fully stabilize the vehicle before continuing with glass management.

Safety precautions when managing glass

1 Rescuers must wear a full set of personal protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection and respiratory protection (dust masks).

2 Soft protection (wounded sheets) must be used to protect the injured, preferably with high flow of oxygen (positive pressure oxygen flow prevents glass dust).

3 Give verbal warnings before breaking the glass

4 Once the glass management stage is completed, dust masks can be removed. This improves communication between field personnel.

! Remember — Be sure to have respiratory protection in place before starting glass management.


1 Broken window

2 windshield shear saw

3 glass blanket

4 soft protection

5 sharp edge protection cover

Glass management method

Higher door




Open the door

Ensure that this action is done carefully so as not to affect the stability of the vehicle


Keeping the door open can be done by the following method:

1 Use a ratchet rope to tie the door

2 Use wedges

1 Both of the above methods are effective, however, care should be taken when tying the car door because it is a high-altitude operation.

2 If using a wedge, make sure the wedge is not loose because it may fall into the passenger compartment

1 ratchet rope

2 wedge blocks

Lower door, including bottom side window




Keep glass in place

The glass of the bottom door can provide support for passengers in the car


Fill the bottom to provide additional support

Fill the space between ground and glass to ensure more support

Various kinds of equipment (such as: rescue board)

Glass management method

Rear windshield - window closed




Place the glass blanket on the ground

Make sure the glass blanket is large enough to cover the area under the glass

Glass blanket

Break the glass

Point at the corner of the window to open the window and give a verbal warning before breaking the glass

Broken window

Use a locksmith tool to clear the remaining glass at the window frame

Never wear gloves to remove the glass. This time causes the glass to get sharded

Locksmith tools

Move the glass blanket to remove the next piece of glass or move it to the debris heap

Carefully move the glass blanket to prevent the glass from falling

Glass blanket

Glass management method

Rear windscreen - window opens




Open the rear hatch and place the glass blanket on the ground

Make sure the glass blanket is large enough to cover the area under the glass

Glass blanket

Break the glass

Point at the corner of the window to open the window and give a verbal warning before breaking the glass

Broken window

Use a locksmith tool to clear the remaining glass at the window frame

Never wear gloves to remove the glass. This time causes the glass to get sharded

Locksmith tools

Move the glass blanket to remove the next piece of glass or move it to the debris heap

Carefully move the glass blanket to prevent the glass from falling

Glass blanket

Glass management method

Small side window (top)




Place soft protection inside the window

Ensure maximum protection for the injured

Soft protection

Place the glass blanket on the ground near the window

Make sure that the protective blanket is large enough to catch the dropped glass

Glass blanket

Break the glass

Point at the corner of the window to open the window and give a verbal warning before breaking the glass

Broken window

Push up the soft protection from the window

Push all the glass onto the ground glass blanket

1 soft protection

2 glass blanket

Use a locksmith tool to clear the remaining glass at the window frame

Never wear gloves to remove the glass. This time causes the glass to get sharded

Locksmith tools

Move the glass blanket to remove the next piece of glass or move it to the debris heap

Carefully move the glass blanket to prevent the glass from falling

Glass blanket

Glass management method

Awning top




Place the glass blanket on the ground near the awning

Make sure that the protective blanket is large enough to catch the dropped glass

Glass blanket

Break the glass

Point at the corner of the window to open the window and give a verbal warning before breaking the glass

Broken window

Use a locksmith tool to clear the remaining glass at the window frame

Never wear gloves to remove the glass. This time causes the glass to get sharded

Locksmith tools

Move the glass blanket to remove the next piece of glass or move it to the debris heap

Carefully move the glass blanket to prevent the glass from falling

Glass blanket

Glass management method





Ensure that the injured are fully protected and get a brief overview

The wounded person must be covered with soft protection and oxygen should be provided to the injured

1 soft protection

2 oxygen

Giving verbal warnings

1 Need to guide the hole to cut laminated glass with a windshield shear saw

2 Cut glass is very loud very intense activity


Use a windshield shear saw to open the pilot hole in a predetermined position

Open the original pilot hole and move the windshield shear saw 180 degrees to make the hole bigger

Windshield shear saw

Sawing glass

1 saw the glass as quickly and effectively as possible

2 Remember - the windshield shear saw is cut from behind

But all parties can cut the glass saw

If the glass has been cut open to produce a cross section, move it to the debris heap

Residual glass will have sharp edges that need to be covered

Sharp edge protection cover

This article belongs to holmatro and edited by China Rescue Equipment Network.


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