The disinfection cabinet that everyone loves, there are so many misunderstandings

Disinfection cabinet in the modern kitchen, has become a standard, everyone loves the disinfection cabinet, shopping really so simple? Are there any misunderstandings that need attention? Misunderstanding 1: The function of all disinfection cabinets is the same
The items to be disinfected vary, and the disinfecting cabinets chosen are also different.
Such as the general tableware disinfection cabinets, baby bottle disinfection cabinets, cups disinfection cabinets, clothing disinfection cabinets, etc., people are the most commonly used and most common is the tableware disinfection cabinet.
Misunderstanding 2: Disinfection cabinet disinfection principle is the same
High-temperature sterilization is a traditional and well-known method of disinfection. The earliest disinfection cabinets used high-temperature sterilization and are still used today.
However, there are many shortcomings in high-temperature disinfection cabinets, which brings a lot of inconvenience to people. Such as: large power consumption, disinfection of the tableware can not be used immediately (will burn his hands), the non-high temperature resistant plastic, glass, bone and other tableware will cause deformation, burst, distortion and other damage.
Disinfection cabinet common disinfection methods are: high-temperature disinfection, ozone sterilization, ultraviolet disinfection, according to expert tests, a single disinfection function is not, most disinfection cabinets using ozone + UV double disinfection.
Misunderstanding 3: At the time of purchase, it is cheap
Some people think that the sterilizers are almost the same in order to be coveted for a cheap moment. Just buy one and use it on the line, be a psychological comfort to yourself.
The types of sterilizers currently on the market are very complicated, especially UV sterilizers. Not all purple light lamps have superior germicidal power.
At present, the blue light (ultraviolet) lamp has been widely used in the world and it has been widely used in medical sterilization. The ultraviolet light tube disinfection cabinet is currently priced at a high price in the market. However, when it is purchased, it must be recognized by consumers. Clear, don't be greedy and cheap.
Misunderstanding 4: Pay attention to the appearance and ignore the substance
At first glance, the appearance of the disinfecting cabinets appeared to be very similar, but the prices were very different, some of them were several hundred dollars and some were several thousand dollars. Then the focus was on the price comparison.
The same cabinet is sterilized, but some are sold so expensive. Why? Certainly the quality, the materials used to make the product, and the things inside are not the same as the cheap sterilizer. Therefore, consumers should carefully compare the purchase of disinfection cabinets, not to be confused by the appearance, since it was decided to buy a disinfecting cabinet, we must carefully choose and understand in many ways.
The above four common mistakes are not when you buy sterilizer also committed it? After reading this, do not be fooled!

Disinfection cabinet

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