The ghost candle (Phleum paniculatum), also known as the Mai Niang, is mainly distributed in the Shaanxi, Shanxi, Gansu and Yangtze river basins. In recent years, it has invaded and spread rapidly to wheat fields, and it has become more and more harmful in some areas.
In order to identify suitable field control agents for invading malignant weedy candles in wheat fields, researchers at the College of Plant Protection of Nanjing Agricultural University used whole-bioassay to study the sensitivity of ghost candles to different herbicide varieties.
The results showed that the commonly used soil treatments prafloxacin, pretilachlor, isoproturon and chloromeron in wheat field had significant virulence effects on ghost candles, and ED90 values ​​were lower than the recommended doses; stem and leaf treatment herbicide pyridine Sulfasamide, clodinafop, isoproturon, triconone and flufensulfuron have good virulence to ghost candles, and ED90 values ​​are also lower than their recommended doses; methyl disulfuron and carbazole Cao Ling has a poor virulence to ghost candles, and the ED90 values ​​are 2 times and 3.5 times respectively of the recommended doses. Non-wheat field herbicides pendimethalin, acetochlor, imazamox, diuron, oxyfluorfen, and oxafluridone have better virulence to ghost candles, and ED90 values ​​are lower than their respective recommendations. The selectivity index of diphenhydramine and oxafluridone to wheat was 2.49 and 2.47, respectively, which was safe for wheat at a certain dose.
The researchers believe that ghost candles are still sensitive to the commonly used herbicides in the wheat field, flufenacetamide, pretilachlor, isoproturon, chloromeron, acesulfame, clodinafop, trimethoate and flucarbazone. It can effectively prevent ghost candles at the recommended doses, but it is not sensitive to carbazole and methyl disulfuron.
(Source: Pesticide Newsletter)
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