Chinese scientists rewrite the record of room temperature thermoelectric figure of merit

Thermoelectric material is a functional material that directly converts thermal energy and electrical energy. It can be used for power generation and refrigeration, and has the advantages that traditional generators and refrigerators are difficult to match. The conversion efficiency is determined by the thermoelectric figure of merit. Finding effective methods to improve the thermoelectric figure of merit is an important goal pursued by thermoelectric research.

With the support of quantum control and quantum information key projects, the team of Professor Chen Xiaojia of Beijing High Voltage Scientific Research Center took 1% chromium-doped lead selenide as the research object. % Chromium-doped lead selenide thermoelectric figure of merit is adjusted to a maximum value of 1.7, which is much higher than the previously generally recognized maximum value of room temperature; and further found that 1% chromium-doped lead selenide occurs when the thermoelectric figure of merit is optimal In order to change the topological phase, the original ribbon insulator is transformed into a topological crystal insulator. This research associates the thermoelectric effect with the topological insulator, using a clean and effective method of compression lattice to achieve the topological state transition, provides a new way for the thermoelectric material performance control, and at the same time for the future thermoelectric material technology application at room temperature Especially to solve the heat problem of mobile phone related microelectronic devices brings dawn.

Water Level Sensor

Water level sensor, alose called hydrostatic pressure level sensors, submersible level sensors, which are submersible level sensors used for measuring the level of liquids (including corrosive liquids) in deep tanks or water in reservoirs. It provide accuracy and reliability across a wide range of applications. Based on the principle that the measured liquid static pressure is proportional to the height of the liquid, the advanced isolation type diffusion silicon sensor or ceramic capacitive Pressure Sensor is used to convert the static pressure into electrical signals, and then through temperature compensation and linear correction, into standard electrical signals (generally 4-20mA/1-5VDC).

water tank level sensor, pressure level sensor, submersible level sensor, hydrostatic level sensor, water Level Transmitter

Xi'an Gavin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd ,