Solar street light design lighting area

When designing outdoor lighting requirements, there is one factor that does not seem to be talked about too much, and that is the lighting area. These areas are used to help determine how much light is needed for a particular area. These areas are divided into five different areas:

LZ 0: no ambient lighting

Areas where the natural environment is severely and adversely affected by lighting, such as parks, protected areas, or undeveloped rural areas, belong to LZ0-lighting zone 0. The lighting in these areas can affect the biological cycle of plants and animals, and even distract people. The small amount of lighting required in residential areas near these locations should be turned off when not needed.

LZ1: Low ambient lighting

Areas where lighting may adversely affect the flora and fauna or affect the nature of the area, such as single or two residential areas in residential areas, agricultural areas, rural residential areas, commercial areas, and open areas in developed areas, belong to LZ1-lighting area 1. In these areas, lower lighting levels are used for safety and security, but they are not always uniform or continuous. Solar street lights can be extinguished or reduced when the activity level drops.

LZ2: Moderate ambient lighting

In areas of human activity, the vision of human residents and users is adapted to moderate light levels, such as community business, churches, schools, community entertainment, or areas where moderate use at night is located in LZ2-Lighting Zone 2. In these areas, lighting is for safety and security, but it is not always uniform or continuous. After curfew, solar street lights can also be extinguished or reduced when activity level drops.

LZ3: medium and high ambient lighting

In the field of human activities, the vision of human residents and users is adapted to a moderate level of light, such as commercial areas, commercial areas, or industrial and manufacturing areas, which belongs to LZ3-lighting zone 3. In these areas, lighting is used for safety / security and convenience, and is usually uniform and / or continuous. After the curfew, these lights can also be turned off or reduced when the activity level drops.

LZ4: High ambient lighting

In areas where human activities are performed, the visual adaptation of human residents and users to high light levels, such as high-density entertainment areas or heavy industry areas, is in the LZ4-solar street lighting area4. In these areas, lighting is considered necessary for safety, security, and / or convenience, and is mostly uniform and / or continuous. After the curfew, as the activity level drops, the lighting in some areas may go out or diminish. This is not used as the default area.

Knowing the right area for your project will ensure that your lighting design is correct. Talk to your lighting designer to determine which lighting area is best for your project application, if you are unsure. This will help determine the lighting level and spacing requirements that are most suitable.

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