Seconds filled with flexible batteries

Rechargeable aluminum ion batteries are promising in new generation energy systems because of their advantages such as low cost, high safety, and high capacity of aluminum metal negative electrodes. Charging for 5 minutes, calling for 2 hours of advertising, is a piece of cake for aluminum ion batteries.

Figure 1. Ultra-fast charging aluminum ion battery

The problem lies in the fact that the anode material of aluminum ion batteries has a low capacity, short service life, and low rate discharge capability, and is an important obstacle to the commercialization of aluminum ion batteries.

In view of this, the Gaochao Group of Zhejiang University has developed a high-quality, special-structure graphene cathode material and constructed an ultra-high performance aluminum ion battery.

Figure 2. Graphene cathode material design

The researchers first prepared graphene oxide films by cast coating or wet spinning technology of graphene oxide thin film liquid crystal solutions, and then prepared reduced oxide graphene films by chemical reduction and high temperature annealing.

The high degree of assembly of the dilute graphite oxide thin film gives it a highly oriented structure, ensuring high mechanical strength and Young's modulus. High temperature annealing and accompanying gas pressure ensure defect-free high quality and high channel structure for higher capacity, continuous electron transfer, continuous ion diffusion and continuous electrolyte permeability, and even more between reaction liquid and electrolyte Fast redox reaction.

Fig. 3 Structural characterization of graphene cathode materials

This positive electrode is cycled 250,000 times at an ultra-high current density of 400 A g-1 (1.1 s), and can also achieve a specific capacity of 120 mAh g-1 with a capacity retention rate as high as 91.7%. At the same time, the rate discharge capacity reaches 111 mAh g −1 at a current density of 400 A g-1 (1.1 s). Break records in ratio discharge capacity and cycle performance.

Figure 4 Electrochemical properties of graphene cathode materials

Figure 5. Aluminum-graphene battery performance

The Al-graphene battery assembled based on this positive electrode material can work normally under the weather conditions of -40-200°C, and has good flexibility, can satisfy 10,000 folds, and is suitable for various wearable electronic devices.

In short, this study points out a new path for super battery research!

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