Product design and manufacturing technology in virtual reality environment (5)

Mechanical products have their own unified features, based on these characteristics to establish a set of software that connects 3D modeling and virtual environment, which is conducive to the application of this technology in the manufacturing field.

4 Conclusion

The product-oriented virtual manufacturing technology is based on 3D modeling and simulation technology, and is a new technology supported by virtual reality technology. It is a more advanced stage of CAD/CAM/CAE technology and has developed rapidly in recent years.

Using virtual reality technology, engineers can use real-time visual images to design, layout, simulate, analyze, manufacturability, and performance evaluation more quickly and reliably, and design and manufacture high-quality products quickly and reliably. Products to meet the needs of market competition.

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Test Controller

The small Main Controller of LED application system has the function of address editing and lamp testing. It supports Standard DMX512 signal output with test function, supporting standard DMX512 programs broadcast. It supports automatic addressing function, supporting 3-, 4- and 6- channel addressing for SM16512 driven lamps. It can be connected to the mobile phone through WIFI, and can conduct remote control on the lamp through APP. It has the function of viewing point and color palette. It supports two modes of button operation and mobile phone control. When it is in the button operation mode, the LCD screen updates the menu in real time. When the it is in control mode, the screen can update the connection status in real time. 1 red power indicator light, 1 green WIFI data indicator light, 1 green 485 signal indicator light.

Test Controller,Flicker DMX LED Test Controller,Smart LED Test Controller, DMX Module Test Controller, RGB Test Controller,LED Lighting System Test Controller,DMX512 LED Test Controller

StrongLED Lighting Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. ,