Winter application of ammonium bicarbonate wins urea

When applying nitrogen fertilizer to crops in the winter and spring low temperature season, it is preferable to use ammonium bicarbonate. Because ammonium bicarbonate is applied to farmland, it can be directly absorbed and utilized by crops without conversion, and it can supply nitrogen in time, and the yield increase effect is good. However, the effect of urea application in low temperature season is not as good as that of ammonium bicarbonate. Because urea needs to be transformed after being applied to the soil, it can be absorbed and utilized by crops. At low temperature, the conversion speed is slow and it is easy to leaching.

Tests have shown that when the temperatures are 5 ° C, 10 ° C and 20 ° C, the conversion of urea takes 15 days, 7 to 10 days and 4 to 5 days, respectively. Due to the low temperature in winter and spring, the soil colloid has a strong adsorption capacity for ammonium bicarbonate, which is 9 to 12.5 times that of urea. The ammonium carbonate has less volatilization loss under low temperature conditions, and the leaching rate is also small, only about 1/3 of urea.

Source: Rural Volkswagen
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