The main factors of wallpaper price difference
What determines the price of the wallpaper? In the process of facing the customer, there are often owners who think that the wallpaper is good, the bad wallpaper is the same on the wall, so try to buy cheap wallpaper. In fact, this view is problematic. There is nothing wrong with saving silver in the decoration process, but it depends on which aspect is saved. If the purpose of wallpapering is to save money, then I really advise you, or paint it.
Wallpaper is not a necessity for home improvement. If you buy a new house, you can't stay without brushing the paint, but it doesn't matter if you don't paste the wallpaper. You have to understand, what is the purpose of your wallpaper? I think most of the friends should use the wallpaper for the purpose of beautifying the environment, decorating the home and improving the taste. Therefore, wallpaper is an ornament. In order to pursue beauty and pursue individuality, people will choose it and use it.
Of course, the price/performance ratio cannot be ignored. The silver is not a big wind. We are all ordinary people. There is no need to pursue a special luxury style. So while choosing wallpapers, you should also set a budget for your wall sales. As a salesperson, we will not recommend a style that exceeds your budget based on your budget, and try to meet your individual needs within your budget.
The price of the wallpaper is not determined by his environmental performance, because now the market is not only wallpaper, but other decoration materials also attach great importance to environmental protection. In terms of environmental protection, they are all qualified products unless you are in some office buildings. It is hard to say if you buy things in a place without market supervision.
So what is the price of the wallpaper?
The first is the material. Generally, the wallpapers we usually use are divided into three types: paper-based lamination, pure paper, and non-woven fabric. These three materials have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Non-woven fabrics, if understood literally, are fabrics that have not been woven, and the real production process is probably the same. It is a medium made up of plant fibers. Usually in the same brand, the price of non-woven material wallpaper is more expensive. Another advantage of non-woven wallpaper is that it has a certain rendering power for color, just like painting on rice paper, and then it has a good feel, a cloth feel, close to the wall, and the wall is breathable. Sex is the highest of the three commonly used materials. However, due to material limitations, the scrub resistance of non-woven wallpapers is poor, and the popular one is more "squeezing."
Pure paper wallpaper, pure paper wallpaper, scrub resistance performance is much better than non-woven wallpaper, better care, and the color of pure paper wallpaper is more realistic, the color expression is more full, wallpaper designer on pure paper It is also easier to express your own design ideas. Similarly, the pure paper wallpaper also has the characteristics of close to the wall and strong ventilation. In addition, his hand feels very smooth and feels comfortable.
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