Is yellowing of beet leaves yellow beet yellowing disease:
Stellite tipped saws have shown to be able to:
•Increase run times.
•Cut with thinner kerf.
•Produce a smoother sawn surface.
•Reduce sawing variations - Better cutting accuracy. (allowing for tighter target sizes)
•Reduce the power consumption during cutting.
•Reduce the cutting downtime for saw changes and saw maintenance.
•Increased saw life due to the ability to achieve more sharpening and at longer intervals.
Stellite is also more resistant to the abrasive acids found in some woods like red cedar.
This allows the tips to stay sharp longer than carbide tips and significantly longer
than swaged saw steel when cutting unseasoned woods.
We have produced more than 100 kinds of specifications tips and export to Canada, USA,
France, New Zealand, Australia, Norway and Russia etc. more than 40 countries and areas.
Cobalt Based Alloys,Triangle Saw Tips,Cobalt Alloy Saw Tips,Saw Tips For Wood Cutting
Shenyang New Industry Co.,LTD ,