Prevention of wheat diseases, pests and weeds in early spring

The main diseases and methods of wheat control include: sheath blight as the key control object of early spring wheat field, generally 5% Jinggangmycin 100-150 g per mu, or 20% triadimef 40-50 ml, or 50% puffin 300 times liquid spray, 2 times prevention, can better control the disease.

Rust can generally be used 20% powder rusting emulsifiable concentrate 30 ~ 50 ml per mu, or 12.5% ​​special azole azole per acre 15 ~ 30 grams, evenly sprayed with water.

Powdery mildew can generally be used to prevent rusting from 35 to 50 grams per acre.

Scab is generally used in the wheat heading stage with 40 to 50 grams of carbendazim active ingredient per acre, and the wheat is evenly sprayed on the water.

The main pests and methods of wheat control are: aphids generally have the largest number of aphids during grain filling. When the amount of 100 locusts in this period exceeds 500, it should be prevented in time. 40 mu of omethoate EC or 40 to 13 ml of enemy killing emulsifiable concentrate can be used per acre to control the uniform spray of water. Generally, the effect of inspection should be paid one week after spraying, and when there are more aphids, it should be prevented once again.

The wheat spider can be sprayed with a 40% dimethoate emulsion 1000 times solution at around noon when the spider is the most harmful.

The grass damage and methods for controlling wheat fields include: 2,4-butyl butyl ester, 2 methyl 4-chloro, betadasone, superstar, herbicide, metsulfuron-methyl, and wheat straw.

Herbicides for grass weeds include Hummer, Hecao Ling, Xinyanling, Oatmeal, Herba, and Hu Da Zhuang.

Broad-leaved weeds and grass weeds can be used for the control of chloromeron, chlorsulfuron, metsulfuron, isoproturon, ligulong, pucaojing and Hetianjing.
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