Mixed use method and precautions of fertilizer and pesticide

With the development of agricultural modernization, the variety of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is increasing, the application technology is continuously improved, and the rational use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can improve the efficiency, efficacy and efficacy.
First, the principle of mixed use.
Mixing pesticides with fertilizers is a complex issue, and not all pesticides and fertilizers can be mixed at will. The following principles should be followed when mixing pesticides with chemical fertilizers: 1. Do not reduce fertilizer efficiency and efficacy after mixing. For example, superphosphate and chlorpyrifos are directly mixed before being applied to the soil, and the herbicidal activity is not changed. However, if it is pre-formulated and stored for a long time (2-3 months), it will lose its efficacy. Therefore, it can only be used with the mix. Most organophosphorus pesticides are easily decomposed and decomposed under alkaline conditions. Fertilizers containing ammonia nitrogen or water-soluble phosphate are mixed with alkaline pesticides, and the effective components of the fertilizer are reduced. The above two situations should not be mixed with each other. 2. It is harmless to crops after mixing. Generally speaking, highly selective herbicides such as 2,4-D are not only harmful to crops, but also improve herbicidal performance when mixed with fertilizers. Therefore, for wheat or gramineous crops, 2,4-D can be promoted in combination with chemical fertilizers. When combined with liquid fertilizer, it will increase the toxicity to corn, so it cannot be mixed. 3. The properties are stable after mixing. According to reports, after mixing 2,4-D with superphosphate for 1 month, 3 months, and 7 months, the residual amounts were found to be 97.1%, 91.2%, and 64.7%, respectively. It is very stable in nature and is an ideal blending form. Some liquid fertilizers with complex composition, concentration and viscosity are inconsistent, and mixed with some pesticides will cause adverse reactions such as salting out, so it is not suitable for mixing. 4. The application time and location of the mixer must be consistent. There are two types of fertilizers and pesticides. In general, the requirements for direct mixing of solid pesticides into solid fertilizers are not so strict. When liquid pesticides are mixed into solid or liquid fertilizers, they should first understand various pesticides and fertilizers. Changes that may occur after mixing can be tested in a small range without any confidence, and can be mixed when it proves that there is no adverse effect. The pesticides mixed with chemical fertilizers have the most herbicides, the insecticides, and less fungicides. The following examples are given.

Second, the combination of fertilizer and herbicide. Fertilizers are mixed with herbicides and have an effect on each other. Some fertilizers are mixed with herbicides to improve the herbicidal effect of herbicides. For example, in the wheat field, the 2,4-D sodium salt is mixed with ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate, and 0.4-0.5 kg of nitrogen fertilizer is added to the 2,4-D sodium salt solution, which can significantly improve the herbicidal effect. According to research, this is because the solution becomes sour, the surface tension is reduced, the amount of 2,4-D enters the plant is increased, and the toxicity of weeds is enhanced. In addition, the addition of ammonium sulfate to the 2,4-D sodium salt solution forms 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetamide, which has higher herbicidal activity than the 2,4-D sodium salt. Because herbicides have certain toxicity, they can affect the activities of microorganisms, so it will affect the conversion of fertilizers to a certain extent, thus affecting fertilizer efficiency. Tests have shown that most herbicides increase the available nitrogen content of the soil after application. For example, chlorpyrifos can strongly inhibit nitrification and denitrification, reduce nitrogen loss, and enhance biological nitrogen fixation, so it can increase nitrogen content in soil.
There are many ways to mix fertilizers with herbicides. Among them, top dressing is a more effective method for mixing certain herbicides and fertilizers. In addition, the herbicide and trace elements mixed with the top dressing, such as the addition of ammonium molybdate (0.1 kg / hectare) in the dimethyl tetrachloride, not only does not affect the herbicidal activity, but also increase the pea seed yield and protein content. Herbicides often reduce herbicidal effects when applied with organic fertilizers. The reason for this is that on the one hand, the organic matter adsorbs the herbicide, and on the other hand, in the case of a large amount of organic matter, the decomposition of the herbicide by the microorganism is enhanced. Therefore, it is best not to mix them.

Third, the combination of fertilizer and pesticides. At present, pesticides mixed with fertilizers are mainly pesticides against underground pests, such as organophosphorus pesticides and carbamates with systemic action. Some of the two insecticides cannot be mixed with the fertilizer because they are not very stable compounds and are easily destroyed after mixing.
The properties of organochlorine pesticides are relatively stable and have a long residual period. Therefore, the effects of mixing with fertilizers are generally unaffected. In production, they can be mixed with various fertilizers and then applied to the soil as a base fertilizer to treat underground pests. Commonly used fertilizers are superphosphate, organic fertilizer, and the like. In addition, the organochlorine insecticide can also be sprayed with the chemical fertilizer to form a foliar spray, and at the same time, it can receive the effects of both insecticide and root dressing.
In terms of organophosphorus pesticides, it has been experimentally confirmed that the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer mixed with 5% acetonitrile particles before potato planting can effectively control various pests and increase tuber yield. However, pesticides such as trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, and phoxim cannot be mixed with alkaline fertilizer ammonia, lime, and ash, otherwise the efficacy will be reduced.
In addition, alkaline pesticide stone sulphur mixture, Bordeaux mixture, pine ester mixture, etc., can not be mixed with ammonium bicarbonate such as ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate or ammonium chloride, or chemical fertilizer such as superphosphate. Otherwise, ammonia volatilization loss will occur. Reduce fertilizer efficiency. Chemical fertilizers can not be mixed with microbial pesticides. Because chemical pesticides are highly toxic, they can easily kill microorganisms in biological pesticides and reduce the efficacy.
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