Will the soil be squashed after applying fertilizer for years?

Many people are often worried that the fertilizer will be applied to the soil for years. Many promotional materials are also misleading.

Soil compaction occurred in the early 1950s, especially in low-yielding fields with low organic matter. The reason is very simple, because there were few domestically produced fertilizers, and the imported nitrogen fertilizer was mainly ammonium sulfate. When ammonium sulphate is applied to the soil, the ammonium ions exchange the calcium ions adsorbed on the soil colloid, and the calcium ions combine with the sulfate ions to form calcium sulphate. In this way, as calcium sulfate is deposited in the soil, the soil pores are gradually blocked; together with the reduction of the organic matter content in the soil, the soil itself is not loose, thus causing the soil to be knotted.

Nowadays, many roads have changed since the implementation of China's fertilizer technology policy. The situation has changed, so this kind of worry is unnecessary. In general, the application of fertilizer does not cause soil compaction. The reason is:

(1) Due to the rational use of organic fertilizer, although the amount per acre is not much, it has played a certain role in improving soil properties and enhancing water retention and fertilizer retention capacity;

(2) The soil organic matter directly covered by the crop straw or covered by straw has played an active role in overcoming the soil compaction problem;

(3) At the same time of increasing yield, the residual amount of crop roots is correspondingly increased. It also has a non-negligible effect on ripening soil and eliminating knots.

(4) Now that the nitrogen fertilizer variety has been updated, it is no longer a single ammonium sulfate, and the main varieties are ammonium bicarbonate and urea. These two fertilizers do not contain sub-components. They are not given to the soil. The soil leaves any residue and there is no problem of clogging the soil pores.

Therefore, it can be concluded that as long as attention is paid to the application of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer, even if the amount of chemical fertilizer is increased, soil compaction will not occur. On the contrary, it will increase the soil fertility and provide good conditions for crop yield.
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