Organic fertilizer and application technology of vegetables

Peat and humic acid fertilizer
a. Peat fertilizer: Peat, also called peat, peat, grass coal, etc., is widely distributed in China, and its reserves are quite rich. This is an important source of organic fertilizer and the main raw material for the manufacture of humic acid fertilizers. Therefore, it is of great significance to rationally develop and utilize peat, broaden the source of fertilizer, increase soil fertility, and increase crop yield.
Peat is a variety of plant residues that are not fully decomposed under conditions of excessive moisture, poor ventilation, and low temperature. After long-term accumulation, a kind of non-decomposable and stable organic accumulation layer is formed, and there is sediment. Mineral incorporation, generally referred to as the accumulation of material is peat. Peat consists of three parts: plant residues, humus and minerals that are not completely decomposed.
The dry matter of peat mainly contains organic substances such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, resin, fatty acid and humus, and also contains elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.
The composition and nature of peat determines its use in vegetable production. First, peat is rich in organic matter and humus: the organic matter content is generally 40% to 70%, the high is 85% to 95%, and the lowest is 30%. The content of humus is 20% to 40%, among which humic acid (black humic acid) is the most common, fulvic acid (such as fulvic acid) is the second, and gamma doric acid (brown humic acid) is the least. It can be seen that peat has the characteristics of organic fertilizer, can improve soil fertility and promote crop growth; second, peat contains more nitrogen, lower phosphorus and potassium, and its proportion is not balanced; third is acidity, pH It is rich in humic acid at 4.5 to 6.0; it has strong water absorption and ammonia absorption. Since humic acid is a highly absorbent organic colloid, generally air-dried peat can absorb 300% to 600% of water, even up to 1000%. The amount of ammonia absorbed can reach 0.5 to 3.0%. The stronger the acidity, the larger the amount of ammonia absorbed, which is a good material for the gasket to protect the fertilizer; the fifth is the poor degree of decomposition, and the degree of decomposition is related to its C/N ratio. If the degree of decomposition reaches 25% or more, it can be directly applied to the fertilizer of the vegetable garden; when the degree of decomposition is <25%, it should be applied as a gasket material or a composting ingredient.
Peat has different composition and properties, and its utilization value and treatment methods are different.
(a) Peat gasket: It can fully absorb excrement and ammonia, so it can be made into good quality.
(b) Peat compost: Peat can be composted with manure or other organic materials.
(c) Production of humic acid compost: Since peat contains a large amount of humic acid, it has less available nutrients and can be made into a granular or powdery mixed fertilizer with ammonia, ammonium bicarbonate, phosphorus and potassium or trace elements. Fertilizer effect.
(d) Directly used as base fertilizer: low-grade peat with high degree of decomposition, high nutrient content and low acidity, which can be directly used as base fertilizer after pulverization, especially as a modifier for sticky soil.
(e) Manufacture of nutrient mash and carrier for bacterial fertilizer: Nutrition é’µ seedlings are a common cultivation measure for vegetable crops. Peat has certain cohesiveness and looseness, and has the characteristics of water retention, fertilizer retention and aeration and permeable water, which is conducive to the development of seedling roots. However, peat contains less available nutrients. Therefore, when manufacturing nutrient mash, it is advisable to add appropriate amount of manure and manure according to the nutrient requirements of various seedlings. It should also be based on peat acidity and environmental requirements of vegetable crops, first in peat. Add appropriate amount of lime or grass ash to mix and add other fertilizers. After thoroughly mixing the fertilizer, it is better to hold the water without hand, and then press it into different specifications of nutrient or nutrition. It can also be used for seedbed and cold bed seedlings.
In the production of biological fertilizers commonly used in vegetables, such as bacterial fertilizers, such as leguminous rhizobium, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphorus bacteria, potassium bacteria, etc., peat can be used as a carrier for expanding cultivation or application. The peat is air-dried, pulverized, and its pH is adjusted. After sterilization, it can be inoculated into various bacterial fertilizers. At present, the use of beneficial biological fertilizers is advocated in the cultivation of pollution-free vegetables.
b. Humic acid fertilizer: Humic acid fertilizer is a fertilizer made from peat, lignite and weathered coal with high humic acid content, adding a certain amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and some trace elements. . Such as sodium humate, potassium humate, ammonium humate and other compound fertilizer, also referred to as decay fertilizer.
Humic acid is an organic compound of a polymer, and is an amorphous colloidal substance of black or brown. It is an acidic substance polymer mainly composed of an aromatic nucleus and containing various functional groups, compositions, and properties. It has a large inner surface and good colloidal surface properties such as adsorption, adhesion and high dispersibility, and is composed of elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. It can form complexes with various metal ions. Therefore, humic acid fertilizers have some characteristics of organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers. They are a multifunctional organic-inorganic compound fertilizer, and their effects are various. It can not only improve soil, promote crop growth and improve crop stress resistance, but also produce different degrees of synergistic effects on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.
Fertilizer application to different crops has different fertilizer effects. It is most effective for vegetable crops such as spinach, celery, radish and tomato, followed by root and tuber crops such as sugar beet, sweet potato and potato. In recent years, experiments have shown that oil crops such as soybeans , rapeseed, melons and vegetables, etc., have the dual effects of increasing yield and improving quality.
Generally, in the seedling stage and the vigorous growth period, such as the seed germination period, the seedling transplanting period and the flowering period, the effect of the fertilizer is more obvious.
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