>>>How to solve the noise problem
1 Benzene: Colorless Liquids with special fragrances are a type of indoor volatile organics.
Harm: Mild poisoning can cause drowsiness, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, etc., and may have minor seasons of membrane irritation.
Source: organic solvents used in decoration, glues, coatings, and building materials.
2 Oxygen: Oxygen is the only naturally occurring radioactive inert gas produced by the decay of helium that is colorless and flawless.
Harm: The radiation damage of oxygen to the human body accounts for more than 55% of the total radiation damage suffered by the human body during its lifetime. It is the second largest cause of lung cancer other than smoking. The World Health Organization lists it as one of the 18 substances that cause cancer. Since oxygen is a radioactive gas, people can cause radiation damage to the human body's respiratory system and induce lung cancer after inhaling the body.
Source: Housing soil, building materials, water supply, natural gas, etc. The oxygen content is generally higher on the ground floor and in the basement of buildings.
3 Building material ray: mainly radioactive materials produced by decay of three radioactive elements of radium, thorium and potassium. If the content of decayable substances is too large, it is harmful to the human body.
Harm: Radiation damage.
Source: Various natural stone, sanitary ware, ceramic tile, concrete.
4 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): The sum of volatile organic compounds including alkanes and alkenes. In the non-industrial indoor environment, there are as many as 50-300 kinds of industrial building materials and mounting materials.
Harm: VOC effects on the human body include eye and respiratory irritations, headaches, dizziness, visual impairment, memory impairment, and cancer.
5 Awake: The irritating gas, which is colorless and soluble, can be absorbed through the inhalation channel, also known as ant aldehyde. Its aqueous solution "formalin" can be absorbed through the digestive tract.
Harm: long-term exposure to low-dose flu can cause chronic respiratory diseases, menstrual disorders, Ren Zhen syndrome.
Source: Plywood used for interior furniture or decoration, man-made board and adhesives whose main component is nail-wrinkle. It contains a variety of decorative materials that contain ingredients that may cause awakening and may be distributed to the outside world. Such as wall coverings, wallpapers, chemical fiber carpets, foams, paints and coatings. There are also some materials that will emit awakening after burning. Such as cigarettes and some organic materials.
6 Heavy metals and arsenic, selenium, tellurium, antimony and other elements: Lead, cadmium, mercury and other heavy metal elements of the soluble matter on the human body has a significant hazard.
Harm: Excess lead can damage the nerve, hematopoietic and reproductive systems. Especially harmful to children can affect children's growth and intellectual development. Therefore, the control of lead pollution has become a worldwide concern. Long-term inhalation of dust can damage kidney and lung function. Long-term exposure to complex compounds can cause contact dermatitis or wetness. Chronic beam poisoning mainly affects the central nervous system.
Source: Heavy metal pollution in the indoor environment is mainly from solvent-based wood coatings, paints, interior wall coatings, wood furniture, wallpaper, polyvinyl chloride coil flooring and other decorative materials. The heavy metals in paints mainly come from coloring pigments such as red lead, yellow lead, lead white, etc. The effects of toxic heavy metals in wood furniture and wood coatings on the human body are mainly due to the long-term contact of dried paint films with humans during the use of wood. In the inlet, its soluble substances will cause harm to the human body. Polyvinyl chloride sheet flooring contains lead and cadmium. With the use and wear of the floor, lead and cadmium migrate to the surface layer, lead dust forms in the air, and dust is deposited into the body through contact with the wrong inlet, causing damage.
7 Toluene diisosine vinegar (TD l): TD|L has significant stimuli to human eyes and respiratory tract.
Harm: can cause dryness of the eyes, pain, severe vision caused by decreased vision, allergic asthma, bronchitis respiratory diseases. TD l can cause skin irritation, ulceration, etc. caused by severe allergic dermatitis
Source solvent wood coatings, adhesives.
8 Styrene, 4-phenylcyclohexene, 2-ethylhexyl alcohol, vinyl chloride monomer: Styrene is a toxic substance with severe irritant gas. The effect of 4-phenylcyclohexene on human health is mainly odor. 2 Ethylhexanol j Poisonous substance. Vinyl chloride monomer is a colorless, aromatic gas.
Harmful effects: Styrene has an irritant effect on the eyes, mucous membranes, skin and respiratory tract. Chronic effects of anesthesia at high concentrations may cause damage to blood and liver function. The iso-quinone value of 4 phenylcyclohexene is O.5×10-9. This kind of dissociation released from the carpet makes people feel uncomfortable. 2 Ethylhexyl alcohol has an irritant effect on the skin Inhaled-quantitative vinyl chloride monomer can cause damage to the human nervous system.
Source: Styrene mainly comes from carpets. 4 Phenylcyclohexene comes from carpets and carpet liners. 2 Ethylhexanol mainly comes from carpet adhesives, vinyl chloride monomer comes from polyvinyl chloride coil flooring, wallpaper, etc.
9 Ammonia: A colorless gas with strong irritating skunk.
Ammonia is easily soluble in water. At room temperature, 1 volume of water can dissolve 700 volumes of ammonia. The aqueous ammonia solution is weakly alkaline.
Harmful: It can cause poisoning through the skin and respiratory tract. Because ammonia is very soluble in water, it can absorb water in the tissues, and it has quick action and strong irritability to the eyes, throat and upper respiratory tract. Light causes hyperemia and increased secretions that can cause pulmonary edema. Prolonged exposure to low concentrations of ammonia. Can cause laryngitis, hoarseness. In severe cases, laryngeal edema can occur, throat stalks can cause asphyxia, and breathing difficulties, coma, and shock can also occur.
Source: Used concrete admixtures, especially antifreeze containing urea. The main admixtures containing a large amount of ammonia substances slowly release ammonia in the wall as the environment changes, so that the ammonia concentration in the indoor air is greatly increased to cause pollution.
There is no absolute pollution-free decoration method
It may not be a laboratory other than a specific use. But the laboratory is not suitable for people.
Zero-pollution civil decoration does not exist. However, "green decoration" is to be able to control the degree of pollution within the allowable range of the human body and comply with national standards. In order to meet the requirements for use of certain materials, it is inevitably necessary to add chemical components that are harmful to the human body. For example, paints require the addition of solvents and additives in order to achieve the brushing requirements. So, 'green' is not absolute. As long as the harmful substances do not exceed the range that the human body can accept. This is consistent with the fact that nutrients cannot exceed the acceptable level of the human body. It can be said to be both sides of a coin.
What are the main pollutants in interior decoration?
There are hundreds of volatile organic compounds in the indoor air of modern homes. There are dozens of harmful substances in the human body. It is generally believed that the most important pollutants are ammonia, hydrazine, benzene, benzenes and methylbenzene, ammonia, benzene and benzene. The harm of the lineage is far greater than the wake-up. However, at present, public opinion has attributed many diseases and even cancers to wake-ups. In fact, it lacks facts. Since China’s reform and opening up, many centralized production bases for man-made boards have been formed. There are thousands of thousands of people who work and live for a long time in a polluted environment. There are no specific reports on cancer incidence and relevant information.
How to green decoration
To meet the requirements of a green indoor environment, attention should be paid to the design principles, design schemes, construction procedures, selection of interior decoration materials, and indoor air quality inspections of interior decoration:
1 As far as possible, interior decoration and decoration materials complying with national standards are used in the decoration, which is fundamental to reducing the content of harmful substances in indoor air.
2 In order to purchase furniture, inch-sized furniture should be selected from regular enterprises. Conditional families can leave the newly-buy furniture for a period of time.
3 The renovated house should not be immediately relocated but should have a certain amount of time (three months of window opening and ventilation!) to allow the harmful substances in the material to evaporate as soon as possible.
4 To choose a formal decoration company, key materials try to purchase brand products on their own.
5 Advocate a simple, functionalist renovation program. Even if each material is a qualified product, it is 'green', but it does not guarantee that the final decoration result is also 'green'.
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