Get to know the concepts of smart city, digital city and smart city

The domestic urban planning community is constantly introducing new concepts and new concepts. Various localities are preparing various plans, such as smart cities, digital cities, and smart city planning. The following are smart cities, digital cities, and smart city planning. Introduction.

I. Concept definition

1. What is a smart city?

A smart city is a knowledge-based city with a good use of information technology.

The advantages of smart cities lie in popular and easy publicity. The disadvantage is that they cannot be accurately defined. Because “wisdom” is a vocabulary that people are already familiar with, they will visualize their own smart cities with their own understanding. “Smart cities” can only be a public perspective, not information engineering. The precise definition of learning.

A smart city is a macro concept. It reflects the society’s desire for the knowledge, information, and high efficiency of future cities, focusing on the overall effect of urban development as a whole. Informatization is an important content of smart cities. The society's expectation of smart cities is not limited to information. The society requires cities to have the wisdom of overall development.

2. What is a smart city?

Smart cities are cities where smart technologies are fully applied.

Intelligent technology is also information technology, but the emphasis is different. Intelligent technology emphasizes software resources, emphasizing the contribution of automatic processing systems, and intelligent technologies are expected to become new hot spots for information technology applications.

The popularization of informatization is closely related to the cost-effectiveness of computers. In the era of costly IT, many people move around one computer. In the era of low-cost IT, there is a single computer. In the ultra-cheap era of IT, there will be many computers around us. The characteristics of intelligent services are: It's not right for people to show up as automated services.

In the era of one-on-one information service, the center of application is a personalized information service, which is mainly to provide information to people for use by people. In the era of many-to-one IT intelligent services, information systems are used to replace people to automatically handle transactions. Smart grids, intelligent transportation, and smart and environmental protection are all automated systems. The system often provides services to residents when no one is aware of them.

The program is a logical representation of the human transaction method. These programs run on a specific system to form an automatic processing transaction intelligence. In theory, the program can use the average number of daily residents to use the program to reflect the city’s degree of intelligence. The city’s intelligence is higher. The more convenient and efficient the residents’ lives and work are.

3. What is a digital city?

A digital city is a fully computerized city with relevant management and service information.

The concept of digital city was put forward at the end of the last century. Its driving force came from the maturity of space geographic system technology.

Today, the concept of digital city is no longer limited to geographic systems, but has become a city that can provide comprehensive information services. It has a sound information infrastructure, comprehensive network services, and all-inclusive information content services.

The digital city emphasizes direct-to-human information services. The user-end device is a terminal attached to a person such as a PC, mobile phone, tablet computer, and e-book. The system provides information for use by people. Digital cities represent the concept of information services with direct human goals.

Digital cities are the foundation and important part of smart cities. Smart city planning must first improve the construction of digital cities, and well-informed areas should increase the number of smart city system projects.

4. The intelligent construction of smart cities with Chinese characteristics will become a new hot spot for informatization. The concept of IBM's smart city is actually a concept of a smart city. The concept of a “smart city” is a concept with Chinese characteristics. Its Chinese characteristics are manifested in the following aspects:

(1) China has not paid more attention to the construction of smart projects. "SmartCity" in foreign countries focuses on the construction of smart projects, focusing on designing according to industry. China's smart cities are actually "more efficient cities for information construction". The development of domestic informatization is one cycle shorter than that of developed countries; in concept, technology In terms of experience and experience, there is insufficient preparation for the construction of urban intelligence systems.

(2) "SmartCity" focuses on a project. Smart cities plan many projects. The foreign "SmartCity" program is often focused on a specific intelligent project, basically doing only one thing at a time, seeing one thing to do, not planning many projects at one time; domestic planning is often the overall planning of the city, a plan to be Many projects are done; the reason for this difference is that the approval mechanisms for informatization plans at home and abroad are different.

(3) Smart cities must pay attention to the overall benefits of the city. Many projects are planned at the same time in foreign countries. There is no overall smart city planning. It is only necessary to pay attention to the benefits of individual projects. The effect is easy to control; while smart cities in the country are the city's informatization plans, they must consider the overall benefits of the city and require smart cities. It is very difficult to see results.

Second, the smart city planning and intelligent urban planning difference <br> <br> smart city planning is the wisdom of the whole city construction plan, which is far more difficult in certain areas of intelligent systems planning is much greater. The difficulty of informatization is divided into two types: complexity and uncertainty, and the solution to them is very different.

1. Design thinking and decision thinking The complexity issue is a recurring problem. The problem boundary is clear and the result is stable. A clear solution to the problem can be concluded, although the engineering problem is also very difficult, such as the design of buildings, bridges, and information systems. There are rules to follow in the solution. Through training, you can acquire related skills and do it in accordance with technical requirements. The problem will be solved. This type of problem-solving method is a design method.

There is no normative solution to the problem of uncertainty, because the information of the problem itself is incomplete. As the two armies confront each other, you can't know what the other person is doing next. All plans have risks. In urban planning, it is difficult to determine what is the best plan. Effectiveness in the near future is not necessarily effective in the long-term. The solution is through decision-making. Decisions rely on experience, knowledge, intuition, and determination. Decision-making is a different way of thinking than design.

In the construction of informatization, problems of complexity and uncertainty will occur alternately, and the way of thinking needs to be changed according to the nature of the problem. Business feasibility judgment and benefit planning have more uncertainties and require decision-making thinking, while system design and system feasibility analysis are engineering problems and need to be handled with information system engineering knowledge.

2. Science and precision apply only to local environments It is unrealistic to solve the planning problems of smart cities with scientific and precise methods. The scientific and precise methods are only applicable to engineering problems and cannot adapt to the environment of uncertain problems. Smart cities There is no scientific and accurate solution to the uncertainty in planning.

The uncertainty of the information environment is absolute, and the certainty is relative. Only when the uncertainty is relatively negligible, the scientific and precise methods can play a role. In the determined information application projects, Scientific, accurate engineering method design. The smart cities involved are too broad, the cycle is too long, and there are too many uncertainties. The first thing that needs to be done is to determine the strategic direction and eliminate major uncertainties.

After the development strategy of the smart city is determined, the engineering scientific method may play a role. When the direction is unknown, it is extremely dangerous to start the accurate design. The precise execution in the wrong direction is more waste than the inaccurate execution.

3. The division of thinking between “What to do” and “How to do it.” The focus of smart city planning is to decide which projects to do instead of considering how to do everything. The preferred goals and projects can contribute more value.

Choosing "What to Do" is a problem of uncertainty. There is no standardized answer to the construction projects of smart cities. The choice of projects is an important decision. The greater the space for selection, the greater the risk and the greater the preferred contribution. The preferred project is Planners' most important value-added actions.

“How to do it” is a complex issue. Although it is difficult to solve, there is a clear answer that engineering methods can achieve. When a project enters the stage of how to do it, its major uncertainties are determined when the project is selected. The boundaries, goals, and values ​​of the project are already clear. The information of the project is complete and “how to do it” can be outsourced. For professional agencies to complete.

Deciding what to do requires more experience, higher skills, and greater risk-taking ability. This is something grass-roots cadres can't do. The decision to choose a project is always left to the leadership. The responsibility of the grassroots personnel is to solve the problem of how to do it.

Third, the strategic perspective of smart cities
1. The decision-making thinking of smart city planning The first thing smart city planning is facing is the problem of uncertainty. The planning of smart cities should begin with strategic decisions, and strategies cannot be designed with engineering methods.

Wisdom is not an engineering vocabulary but a language at the level of values. It emphasizes the overall benefits and the long-term value cannot be refined. There is no unified evaluation standard for smart cities, and there are different evaluation methods and different standards for different positions and different perspectives. Smart cities should evaluate the wisdom of the city based on the values ​​of the urban public, measure the benefits of information through residents' interests, and use this value as the starting point to study what factors affect the city's wisdom and what factors influence the benefits of informationization, and then clarify the construction of smart cities in the city as a whole. Positioning in development strategy.

2. Smart City Strategy Key Smart City planning should be consistent with the overall strategy for regional socio-economic development. Smart city thinking should focus on the following strategic issues:

(1) The characteristic urbanization target of urban development. The smart city is a city centered on knowledge economy. Its characteristics are the charm of the city and the growing point of the competitiveness of knowledge economy. Urban characteristics usually include industrial characteristics and cultural characteristics.

(2) Policies adapted to knowledge-based economy are adjusted to the policies of the knowledge-based economy. The core is enterprise policy and talent policy. It is necessary to create enough profit zones for information-based enterprises to promote the growth of enterprises; protect the rights of innovators and investors; protect intellectual property rights; promote innovation culture and tolerance culture in cities;

(3) Improve government public services Clear the focus of regional government reforms and public services. Determine the steps to build a service-oriented government and improve the focus of government public services; knowledge-based economy is a human-oriented economy, and human resources are the most important resources. A people-oriented service government should be created.

(4) Strengthen the infrastructure Clear the focus of improvement in the construction of public facilities. Different cities have different needs. The difficulty in big cities is internal traffic, and the focus of small and medium-sized cities is on external traffic. The improvement of communications infrastructure and the construction of public facilities such as sanitation are all issues to be considered.

(5) Urban smart service environment Based on the overall urban development strategy and the needs of future urban efficiency, choose the direction and key areas for urban smart construction. Urban smart system construction is suitable for sub-sectoral and sub-industry planning.

3. Competition issues concerning urban development The competition for urban development involves competition in industries, markets, talent, investment, and development opportunities. Development has a Matthew effect, resources will quickly gather to the core, and when a place succeeds, it will close the possibility of the surrounding cities taking the same path. It is impossible for an area to form two centers with the same characteristics. The success of regional development strategies is not entirely determined by their own wishes. The development strategies of neighboring cities will affect the success of established strategies. The behavior of other regions is unpredictable. The uncertainty of competition makes static urban planning a great risk. The homogenization of industrial development plans in cities will inevitably greatly reduce the success rate of planning.

At present, the urban information industry development plan is the most homogenous field. The popular industries in the planning, software, service outsourcing, digital content industry, internet industry, and internet of things industries generally lack ideas and innovation. The generation of homogenous planning is the result of purely relying on digital analysis. The same trend data can only give the same advice. Information industry planning is a risk decision in the face of uncertainty, and the logic of engineering cannot provide innovation. According to the proposal, regional industrial planning must be innovative and risk-taking. Learning entrepreneurial decision-making methods will result in better suggestions.

Fourth, smart city planning and top-level design

1. Layout of urban intelligent smart city planning under the constraints of strategic planning is mainly the planning of the city's informatization project construction, which is carried out within the framework of the development strategy of smart cities. The development strategy of smart cities has reduced the uncertainty faced by smart city planning and created the basis for information engineering selection. There are still many uncertain problems in the urban smart master plan. For example, the optimization of intelligent engineering projects, the coordinated allocation of resources, the formulation of project cooperation plans, and the design of project operating mechanisms all require decision-making thinking. Smart city design still needs to start from the decision-making thinking, enter the subdivision field, and then use information engineering methods to further design.

The smart city layout task is to select the key industry areas for intelligent project planning. Many cities choose the following priority areas for priority areas:

(1) Communication Infrastructure Communication infrastructure construction is an important content of almost all urban planning. High-speed communication networks are regarded as the basis of smart cities. The improved investment in communications networks mainly comes from telecom operators, and operators are the main players in planning;

(2) The problem of intelligent transport traffic is different in different cities. The major task of big cities is to solve the problem of traffic congestion in the city. The focus of small and medium-sized cities is to improve the external connections of the cities and to solve the problem of the intermodal transport between city bus cards and surrounding cities;

(3) Digital cities Digital cities are regarded as an important part of smart cities. The key task is the integration of urban data resources based on geographical systems, with emphasis on urban planning, digital*, and urban construction. Digital city construction should be tailored to local conditions. The bigger the city, the heavier the mission of the digital city;

(4) Smart transactions include promotion of bank card applications, promotion of various small payment cards, promotion of smart payment methods such as mobile payment, and promotion of e-commerce. The convenience of transactions does not seem to be a big deal, but it is very convenient for the residents and can effectively promote consumption.

(5) The application of environmental protection intelligence is currently more environmental monitoring. Low carbonization and environmental friendliness have become the key indicators of smart cities. Automatic environmental monitoring system has become a popular application system for smart city planning, and has often become a demonstration system for the application of the Internet of Things.

(6) Smart public services Public services include government-provided services and market-provided services. Increase the supply of public services and improve people’s generation as an important direction for government work in the future. Public service intelligence is the basic way to improve service efficiency and quality, and governments at all levels have made plans to advance;

(7) Community intelligence and other areas of intelligence More urban intelligence applications should be in the market-oriented field, and the construction of community intelligence services is mainly market issues, which should be market-oriented. The main role of the government is to create a policy environment for the prosperity of the smart service market.

The layout of a smart city does not need to be exhaustive. It depends on the resources of the region and the value of the project. A mature field is started first. The success rate, sustainability, and accumulation of the project are the most important.

2. Program resources, network resources, and data resources are equally important For many years, informatization construction has always emphasized “using information resources as the center” and placing “information resources development and utilization” first. However, these slogans have limited effects. The main reason is that the Internet The supply of information and information of the times is extremely rich, the marginal value of the data is decreasing, and the value of the data supply system is also declining. Today, people need a data selection system rather than a system for increasing the amount of reading.

The society should learn from the success or failure of informationization. The major achievements of e-government over the past decade have focused on the automation of government business processes. Most of the successful businesses are data processing projects, and data processing automation has created benefits. Data processing is better classified as intelligent service services than it is classified as information resources. It should be noted that in most successful systems, it is the program system that plays a key role and that planners are worth paying more attention to business automation.

Successful business processing systems are far more than information resource systems. It should be seen that data resources, software resources, and network resources are equally important. All three are information resources. Software and the Internet have become the main components of intelligent resources. On the one hand, smart city planning must improve the integration and opening of government business automation and data resources. On the other hand, we must concentrate more on the development and construction of intelligent service systems. More urban smart service systems, better serve urban residents.

3. Adaptation boundaries of top-level design Some people attribute the problems of informationization construction to the lack of top-level design. This is equivalent to amplifying the top-level design concept to all planning theories. Top-level design as an engineering design theory cannot solve the problem of strategic choice at the same time.

Scientific and precise top-level design is a kind of engineering logic. The precondition is the completeness of information. If a boundary (such as a specific business or a specific field) is delineated for informationization, the problem of uncertainty will be determined, and the top-level design The method can play a role in designing an economical, rational and complete functional system solution.

The top-level design cannot solve the coordination between the intelligent system and the outside, and cannot guarantee the external benefits of the project, nor can it optimize the overall benefits of the entire smart city. The top-level design is tactical thinking rather than strategic thinking.

4. Long-term benefits and implementation mechanisms of smart projects Choosing smart projects requires long-term services. Long-term services will increase instability due to human participation. The long-term quality of the business depends on people's quality and sense of responsibility. It is not easy to maintain service efficiency for a long period of time. An effective incentive mechanism is the key to realizing long-term benefits.

The second key to long-term benefits is the stability of external coordination mechanisms. External coordination is very easy to be interfered with. These interferences are not controlled by internal mechanisms. Planners must design cooperating mechanisms at the same time. For example, the key to the sustainability of information sharing systems is to establish quality assurance mechanisms for data resource providers.

The third key to long-term benefit is the efficiency of the system to improve and update. Long-term running systems must have environmental adaptability and must be able to update and improve the system in a timely manner. It is impossible for an information system to be successfully designed at one time. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the imperfections of the design in the course of operation. On the other hand, the system needs to keep pace with the times. With the constant changes in the environment, self-improvement is the core of the system's vitality.

The long-term system is not a fully-functional static system, but an adaptive system with self-adjustment and improvement mechanisms. The management mechanism of the project is the key to self-adaptability. Selecting the appropriate management model is the guarantee of the long-term benefits of the project and does not fully consider the management model. None of the projects are feasible.

The optional management modes of urban intelligent systems include government, government and non-profit organizations, and enterprises. Different mechanisms have their own advantages and should be selected according to the characteristics of service business.

(1) The government operating mechanism The government mechanism is characterized by not considering current economic interests and is suitable for managing public service projects without current economic benefits. The disadvantages of the government mechanism are the high cost, weak ability to innovate and improve the project, and lack of government management mode. Effective feedback improves incentives.

(2) Franchise operations and non-profit organizations The cost of franchising and non-profit organization models is better than that of the government model. It is more suitable for smart service systems with a large number of professional knowledge and public welfare, and its innovation ability and flexibility are also Superior to the government model, the government supports its contribution to public welfare services through tax incentives and subsidies.

The franchising and non-profit organization model needs strict management, and it is necessary to implement accounting disclosure, external pricing and other measures to achieve a fair use of administrative government resources. This management model is still not ideal in terms of feedback improvement efficiency.

(3) Enterprise mechanism The enterprise mechanism is the most dynamic management mechanism. The advantage is that it has a good incentive feedback mechanism. The enterprise mechanism is most conducive to innovation and expansion of reproduction. It is the most cost-effective mechanism. The biggest drawback of the enterprise mechanism is that Its efficiency is based on the orientation of economic interests, and it is difficult for corporate mechanisms to play a role in businesses that do not see a clear economic benefit.

V. The role of the government in the long-term development of smart cities

1. There is no short cut for information construction. There is not much meaning for over-promotion of smart cities, and there is no indication that the term “wisdom city” is higher than the level of informatization planning without the name of a smart city. More creative and innovative ideas are reflected through project optimization. The attention of planning should still be placed on policy design and project selection.

Do not expect that smart cities and smart cities can bring shortcuts for informatization. Shortcuts do not exist. Informatization is only a tool for urban development. Tools to achieve efficiency require environmental support. Environmental transformation and construction cannot be mutated. Can not bring mutations, planning needs a calm state of mind, do not always want to leapfrog development, many benefits are achieved by reducing the scale of the project.

2, do see clearly, think through things, do not generous The current maximum risk of information planning is infatuated with generous, always want to take a shortcut to the mentality. The result will inevitably be planning projects that are too large, too large, and beyond regional capabilities. It is difficult for planners who have not implemented informatization projects to have the experience of creating information engineering benefits. It is not safe to build large-scale smart cities under inexperienced cities. The best way is to slow down the pace of smart cities. Do something that has not yet been understood, and study the experience and lessons of others.

The development of cities is driven by gradients. The conditions for the application of new technologies are gradual, and the scale-effectiveness factors will affect the promotion effect of new technologies in small and medium-sized cities. The project selection of smart cities must pay attention to the gradients of the regions and must not be overemphasized.

For small and medium-sized cities or cities with insufficient economic scale, it is advantageous to choose a slower pace of informatization. They can make full use of the advantages of late-comings, use the trend of decreasing information technology costs, and use the innovation results of the leading cities to reduce the cost of new technology applications. For more economical results.

Informatization applications need innovation, but attention should be paid to the cost and success rate of innovation. Innovation opportunities and success rates are also related to the scale and level of development of cities. Do not superstitiously develop in a leapfrog manner, choose an information project that is suitable for the economic level of the region, and make funds available. Not wasting is the best leap-forward development.

3. Designing the development of smart cities The role of the ecological government in the construction of smart cities is not only the implementation of planning information projects, but more importantly the construction of information-based development ecosystems, making the construction of smart cities sustainable.

The most important factor affecting the development of smart cities is the policy and legal environment. Policies should effectively encourage the application of social information and encourage social innovation. It should be noted that enterprises are the main force for informatization innovation. The government needs to constantly reflect on relevant policies, modify systems that are not conducive to informatization applications, create a reasonable profit zone, and allow informatized enterprises to thrive.

The essence of a smart city is a city with innovation and vitality. The policy environment, cultural environment, and information facilities of a city must be centered on encouraging innovation. A good social intelligence service is only one aspect of the innovation environment. Cultural and legal construction must be synchronized. We must protect intellectual property rights, protect the interests of innovators and investors, build a culture of social tolerance, encourage people to show their individuality, and make cities a paradise for innovators.

The government’s main role in the construction of smart cities is to guide, demonstrate, and create a development environment. The long-term information development cannot be separated from the market mechanism. The government’s main building projects must also choose the appropriate management model from the needs of sustainable operations (government , corporations, and non-profit organizations ensure the long-term benefits of the business.

4. Orienting the public and mobilizing the community to participate in the construction of smart cities is a long-term social development project. Obtaining support and cooperation from all walks of life is the key to success. The important task of planning is to create a consensus for the development direction of smart cities in the whole society and promote The government cooperates with the society to jointly complete the task of building a smart city.

In order to form a consensus among social smart cities, informatization planning must be transformed into a plan that is open to the society and widely absorb suggestions from all sectors of the society. The style of planning should be adapted to the public’s tastes. Starting from the interests of the public, the planning should be praised by the residents for the formation of The government cooperates with enterprises and the public to create conditions.

Smart city planning should put investor interests in an important position and encourage the private economy to play an active role in the city’s information construction. Smart cities are first and foremost creative cities, and private economy is the most creative economy. Without the prosperity of the private economy, there will be no wisdom and economic prosperity.

In order to ensure the success of smart city construction, it is important to establish a sound social supervision system. The government must publicize the progress of the smart city construction project to the public in a timely manner, explain to the public the problems encountered in the construction, accept public criticism and inquiries, and effectively Social supervision is an important force to promote the construction of smart cities.

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