The seat belt was first seen in the aviation field to prevent the pilot from falling out of the cab. In fact, there have been some patented designs for motor vehicle safety belts. Perhaps the oldest of them was in the United States in 1885, which coincided with the car's time of birth. After entering the 20th century, a French patent produced a safety system that included a waist belt and a shoulder belt that covered the chest. At the same time, another seat belt patent was approved in the United Kingdom, although the invention was first widely used in the United States. In the 10th and 20th decades of the 20th century, although the United States was known for its racing speed, the car used was not very stable. In 1922, a celebrity in the racing industry used and displayed seat belts in the United States for the first time.
At the time, some doctors in the United States began installing self-made seat belts in their cars. In the 1930s, some American doctors called for the installation of seat belts in all automobiles in newspapers, but this did not attract everyone's attention.
Seat belt history
Pull out, lengthen, buckle, and tighten – this series of simple hand-operated seat belts can be put in place, reducing the risk of death and serious injury caused by collisions by more than 50%. Seat belts are the link between people and cars. They were delivered from the Volvo PV544, the world's first vehicle equipped with a three-point seat belt. Over the next 55 years, they saved more than one million lives. Volvo selflessly opens this technology free of charge, and any car manufacturer can use this design for free.
The birth of a three-point seat belt
In Sweden, engineer Nils Boleyn began working in Saab's aviation department from the 1940s. In 1955 he was responsible for the development of seated catapults and other safety equipment used by pilots. It is Nils Bolin's seat ejector designed for the Swedish fighter J35 Draken and its peripheral equipment.
In 1958, Niels Boleyn was recruited by Volker, the then president Gennaro Ngrefoil, and was named Volvo's chief security engineer. What is different from others is that Gennana Ngleao released a company profile and felt the importance of emphasizing security. At that time, security has become an important part of Volvo's corporate image.
In 1958, the result of Volvo's pursuit of an effective safety solution was Nils Boley’s patented three-point seat belt. The four most important elements of his design are: The system consists of a shoulder belt and a waist belt. The fixing point of the seat belt is at a low point beside the seat. The seat belt forms a V pointing to the ground. Fonts and seat belts are always fixed and do not move even during collisions.
In 1959, this ever-present three-point seat belt patent was used in the Volvo Amazon (120) series and PV544 series in the Nordic market. As a result, Volvo became the world’s first car manufacturer to use seatbelts as standard equipment. Since then, the three-point seat belts have begun to be widely used in automobiles and have also brought benefits to car consumers all over the world.
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