SolidWorks innovative pump design platform application

In a global, dynamic and changing market competition environment, China's pump products a serious lack of market competitiveness. The low level of product technology and the weak ability of technological innovation have become the common problems that restrict the development of enterprises. These defects are inherent in traditional design methods. Therefore, modern design methods must be adopted in product research and development, computer simulation should be used before the program is finalized or the product is processed, At the same time, changing "experience design" to "scientific design", changing "actual measurement means" to "simulation means" and "standardizing standards" into "analytical standards" mean that the enterprise may have independent design capability. First, the characteristics of pump manufacturing and the challenges faced A wide range of pumps, structural differences vary greatly. Piston pump and vane pump structure is completely different, the simulation needs of the different therefore; the same type of pumps, pumps of different sizes, product design features are also different. As the vane pump design more difficult, so the vane pump as an example for discussion. From the design point of view, the core content is the design of the flow surface; from the manufacturing point of view, the core technology is foundry, as well as casting design and manufacturing related to CNC machining and rapid prototyping technology; from the analysis From the point of view, it mainly involves fluid simulation analysis and structural finite element analysis. There are many problems in the design and manufacture of pump based on two-dimensional CAD. One is that the description of the over-flow part surface is not complete, the design effect can not be previewed and there are always ambiguities and errors. The other is that the design and manufacture of the fixture are difficult The flow of pieces of an effective test, the design requirements and manufacturing results can not be determined the difference; the third is a long casting mold manufacturing cycle, woodworking workers in the sample to go through "reading drawing method, read the coordinates of the point, calculate the amount of casting shrink , Draw a Surface Profile "Four Processes, High Requirement for Wood Mold Workers SolidWorks offers a complete solution that includes product structure design, fluid analysis simulation, structural FE simulation, CNC machining, and rapid prototyping. Based on SolidWorks can build the most ideal water pump independent innovation design platform, SolidWorks core package for the structural design of the pump, SolidCAM for casting molds and key parts of the CNC machining, COSMOSFloWorks for the pump flow field analysis, COSMOSWorks for water pump Structural strength and fatigue analysis. Second, the pump structure design platform SolidWorks core package provides all the necessary structural design of the pump function. The following discussion of pump structure design of some of the key technologies of treatment. 1. Over-current parts of the complex surface design Over-current parts are in contact with the fluid parts, such as impeller, fluid guide, pump and pump cover. In order to ensure good hydraulics, the flow surface is generally curved surface, the description of the flow surface curved piece of the drawing is called the hydraulic model, the description of the surface of the pump structure design is the most important content. In the CAD environment, the surface of the overcurrent piece is described by the drawing method. That is, the surface is cut into several sections along the axial direction or the radial direction, and some points are determined on each section. The surface is described by these points. The advantages Is a simple graphic, the disadvantage is that the information is not sufficient, after the designated point of the curve there are infinitely many, there is ambiguity, and manual (wood) mode corresponding to the mold. Three-dimensional CAD environment, can be used to describe the cross-section of the curve, imported from Japan and the United States, mostly for the cross-sectional drawings castings (usually generated using three-dimensional CAD software), the advantage of describing the curve fitting characteristics, "Point description" to be more, there are some ambiguities, and manual (wood) mode corresponding. The best way to describe the surface is the 3D CAD model. The advantage is that the design information is complete and accurate, and the corresponding machining methods are CNC machining and rapid prototyping. Pump design method is still analogy, that is, the hydraulic model scaling up or down to complete different specifications of the pump design. SolidWorks offers a wealth of surface modeling features and scaling features that allow you to design complex surfaces and scale them to meet the needs of your water pump family of designs. You can also enter the hydraulic model (point data on the surface) into the Excel table, the new product is designed to scale the data in the table, the results passed to SolidWorks, according to the input point coordinates to generate surface, the surface Smoothness analysis, and editing of surfaces to meet the requirements of fairing. 2. Product Configuration Design Large pumps are generally customized according to customer requirements of production, every deformation of the pump, require a complete set of technical documents. The similarity of the pump design, many companies have established a set of their own business standards. SolidWorks powerful configuration design capabilities, the size, characteristics, materials, configuration design, support parts, components, product configuration design; SolidWorks design library can effectively manage these configurations. Configuration design and design library constitutes an ideal pump custom design platform. 3. Large Weldment Design SolidWorks supports multi-solid modeling technology, the product design process will be treated as a welding parts, in process design according to the entity to determine the cutting size. SolidWorks provides specialized welding tools, including weld seams, gussets, weldment cut lists, weldment drawings and other functions, the use of welding tools to efficiently weld design. During the design of the weldment, the software automatically generates two configurations, in which the weld configuration contains only the weldment information and the machining configuration contains subsequent machining information to meet the requirements of product design and process design, respectively. 4. Sheet metal design Large pumps in the deflector, inlet pipe, outlet pipe are generally sheet metal parts, in the two-dimensional environment to calculate the expected size of the material is quite difficult. With SolidWorks sheet metal modules, this puzzle can be easily solved. In sheet metal unwinding, the dimension of the curve is generally the coordinate value of some points on the curve, which is consistent with the conventional unloading method. Third, the pump process design platform Manufacturing capacity is one of the core competitiveness of pump manufacturers, including casting, casting and structural parts of large-scale machining, casting the design and manufacture, the NC machining of the impeller surface. Making full use of product design model is the best way to improve the efficiency of process design. SolidWorks mold design module and all relevant design functions based on the assembly environment can make full use of the product model for process design. Compared with the traditional two-dimensional design, the design Efficiency can be increased by 3-5 times. Casting process and the design of the model Casting is the most important pump manufacturing process means to design pouring, riser system A temporary formula to know the weight of the casting blank, so you can SolidWorks environment for the product part model to add a blank configuration , As a casting process design and casting the source model of the design of the model to directly query the weight of the blank model design pouring system, and in the assembly environment, "top-down" to design the casting process system. SolidWorks mold design module provides a series of tools including input diagnosis, draft analysis, scaling, parting line, sub-surface, undercut inspection and cutting segmentation. Enter the solid model of the part to be machined and, given the shrinkage, automatically create the core and cavity of the casting mold. Therefore, mold design efficiency can be increased more than 10 times. Use the Mold Tool to analyze and correct defects in SolidWorks models or input models. Mold tools cover the entire design flow from initial analysis to generation of cutting cuts. The result of a cutting split is a multi-solid part that contains the individual parts of the mold part, the core, the pocket, and other optional entities that are applied, such as a side core. Multi-body parts to maintain the design intent of the file, casting parts change, the cutting entity or casting the model will automatically make the appropriate changes. 2. Fixture and Gauge Design In the assembly environment, SolidWorks supports top-down design. Based on the parts to be machined and to be tested, it is very convenient to design the fixtures and measuring tools by referring to the model data of the parts to be machined. The most commonly used jig in the pump machining is the drilling die. When designing the drilling die, the holes on the parts to be machined can be directly projected onto the die plate in the assembly environment. The most commonly used gauges are jigs that measure the surface of the impeller and the surface of the volute. The most accurate and efficient way to design jigs is to directly reference the curves and surfaces in the product model. 3. Surface CNC machining Pump impeller surface processing There are two ways, milling and casting molding method. Impeller milling and casting look like the core, cavity processing involves the surface of CNC machining. Flow surface processing must ensure the accuracy of the surface, so as to ensure the water pump hydraulic properties. SolidWorks implementation of the Golden Partners program, there are many professional CAM software company CAM software embedded in SolidWorks environment developed, of which the most famous are CAMWorks and SolidCAM, these software and SolidWorks have a unified database, the same interface style, can Support 3-5 axis CNC milling. SolidCAM also supports the processing of wood, wood processing can be directly processed. 4. Rapid prototyping Rapid prototyping is one of the important ways of machining a casting. In lost foam casting, a rapidly prototype can be used to make a core that has been gasified in a casting. In conventional casting, rapid prototyping can produce a cast pattern accurately and quickly. SolidWorks seamlessly integrates with rapid prototyping software and the cast designs in SolidWorks can be imported directly into rapid prototyping equipment for rapid manufacturing. Fourth, the pump hydraulic simulation platform Some common small pumps can batch production, but the large pump production model is a typical high-volume customized production, the volume of each product is very small, the product must be carried out before the hydraulics Performance test, if the test failed, but also disassembled to modify, and then re-test. Especially large pumps, high test costs, long production cycle, once the design errors, the loss will be very large. The core technology of the pump design is the hydraulic performance design of the overcurrent piece. The impeller, the volute, the diversion guide, the guide vane, the water outlet, the water inlet and the grid surface will all affect the hydraulic performance of the water pump. Fluid flow characteristics determine the flow of the pump components and flow channels is a complex surface, because the flow of fluid within the pump is three-dimensional, including eddy current and turbulent state, the design also takes into account the fixed part, the rotating part and the fluid Between the interaction, so complex working conditions is difficult to optimize the performance of the product through the designer's experience and experimentation, so the fluid analysis software must be used for simulation analysis. Using fluid simulation software, a variety of rotating, stationary blade elements can be designed to analyze the effect of blades on water pushing and pumping. The blades can be curved or ragged with leading or trailing edges that have linear or combined bevels. The shape of the edges can be easily modified from a circle to an arbitrary ellipticity up to a simple straight line. The continuity and quality of the hub and casing curves can be checked and split into two or more segments. For axial turbines, better transonic leaflets can be obtained by designing pressure and suction curves independent of each other. Through the same method

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