The development of China's wood flooring industry

Chinese wood flooring has huge market potential. In recent years, the development of China's real estate industry has continued to heat up, and the demand for flooring in the future national economic development has been strong. Between 2006 and 2020, the completed area of ​​new residential buildings in China's cities and towns will reach 12 billion square meters, with an annual average of nearly 800 million square meters. 80% of the area can be ground-decorated. It is predicted that wood flooring will occupy the average market in this field in recent years. The rate is calculated at 25%. It is assumed that the average new residential area during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period is equal to the average of the next 15 years. The average annual demand for wooden floors in urban new residential buildings from 2006 to 2010 is about 158 ​​million square meters, which will release wood. The huge potential of the flooring market demand.

At the same time, foreign consumers are also generally optimistic about domestic wood flooring. China's wood flooring enterprises need to invest more energy in product independent research and development, quality control, corporate culture and brand strategy. We must realize the transformation from "Made in China" to "Created in China". Only through independent research and development, we will form ourselves. A strong brand can gain a place in the fierce market competition."

Global financial crisis

China's wood flooring industry has an impact but it is not a disaster, but people lack confidence in the market. The operating track of the market economy always circulates in the peaks and troughs. The downturn in the flooring industry will not exist for a long time. The domestic domestic demand has a strong domestic demand market, and the demand for the Chinese furniture and building materials market is still very large.

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