, Beijing, October 29th: The National Security Policy Committee of the China Policy Research Institute recently held a symposium on genetically modified and national security in Beijing. Experts at the meeting unanimously agreed that President Xi Jinping’s recent instructions on “China's food security depends on itself†and that “our own rice bowls mainly carry food produced by ourselves†is very important and is the basis for realizing the “Chinese dreamâ€. The food and safety of the 1.3 billion Chinese people depends on the intelligence and intelligence of a large number of Yuan Longping-style Chinese agricultural scientists.
The following is a presentation by Professor Gu Xiuling from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics:
I strongly disagree with the labeling of the sale of genetically modified foods because, even if it is 100% correct, it still allows illegal food to enter the market with incalculable threats, and it is legalized instead. So I've always opposed it. I don't mention the labeling thing. My point is that it's a one-size-fits-all ban.
Since the 1950s, a very wrong theory has been educated. From the high school biology textbooks it is wrong to say that the assumption of "one gene, one protein" is simply wrong. A specific gene can control the production of a protein, which is a very rare phenomenon. In most organisms, it is the synthesis of a protein with a very large number of genes. A gene is given a directive that will be modified to modify the conditions of physical and environmental stress. It is now known that human genes can synthesize 3,000 or even tens of thousands of proteins. The first generation of genetically modified soybeans has now basically failed for fifteen years. It has destroyed the soybean bioregulatory system, destroyed the original structure and destroyed its regulatory system. The organism is rebelling because the exogenous gene is very Powerful, it forced to express itself, this plant has no way, so it manufactures toxins on the one hand, on the one hand struggling to live, but more and more degenerate. This technology is used in agricultural technology that is short-lived damage, dual technology, herbicide-resistant soybeans and herbicides. This thing seems to be the ultimate in the eyes of an American scientist. It destroys farmland biological systems and destroys the plants themselves. This is fundamentally a technique for exterminating humans. It is a function of the control of the plant, so that the function of the plant does not work, it is killed by the herbicide, but the spread of this thing, the killing of the creature is unthinkable, is an evil technique. The organism is a whole, and the ecosystem is a living system. It is hard for the harmonious system that has evolved over the past several billion years to express your things. The destruction of the organism is a fundamental destruction.
Why is our country's biological community now almost one-sided in genetic transformation? So powerful? Because they have the temptation of spending 24 billion yuan in China, do they still speak? They must admit that they made mistakes before admitting they were wrong. I believe that at the outset, the scientific and technological community in our country is still subjectively trying to catch up with the frontiers of the world. There is only a certain amount of misunderstanding that new technologies are good or not bad. The biologists’ debate on the dangers of biotechnology has been going on since the 1970s. Our country does not even think about this matter, and it is on this path that we have no choice but to think about it. We don’t think about any kind of science proposed by the international scientific community. The questioning and criticism, because this criticism and questioning started from the beginning, but we have not yet corrected the mechanism, there is no accountability mechanism. Do we still have the courage and the possibility to ask questions and correct mistakes? Even if they try to eat rice and corn without security clearance, they do not think they have violated Chinese laws.
We repeatedly talk about the most serious problem of biotechnology is the blow to public health. Past research on food problems has been based on the phenomenon of food poisoning. The food problems in the traditional state are only the deterioration of mildew, excessive processing, and food poisoning. The current food problem is another manifestation and involves a new specification. Both international and domestic scientific research are suggesting that genetic modification has caused liver and kidney damage, hormone disruption, growth retardation, or reproductive problems, all of which must establish new norms. Why do some GM promoters dare to say that there has never been a specific case of GM-induced human disease because they have been using transgenosis in terms of food poisoning. You have eaten, animals have eaten, and eaten for three months. Anything? It's okay. French Séralini repeatedly proposed new regulations. For example, glyphosate causes pollution at a certain concentration, but many scientific studies have found that it is lower than the current safe concentration by one hundredfold, one thousand, or even tens of thousands of times, because it accumulates interfering hormones such as sex hormones and growth hormones in the body. Why do small mice become smaller and their organs become smaller? You cannot explain. They just want to control the development of the new norms. Are there any examples of people dead? You just can't get it. This is not without solution. We can open new topics and experiment. Why don't we do it because we have been put into a legal cover. This is Monsanto's patented product. To experiment, you have to pass me. I can't do it without letting you do it. So France ignored him and did it himself. This was learned last year when we attended a conference in Brussels. We went to see what Serralini knew when he was preparing to issue a news report.
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