Low alloy high strength steel

The representation of the steel grade is basically the same as that of the alloy structural steel.

2 pairs of professional low-alloy high-strength steel should be marked at the end of the steel number. For example, 16Mn steel, the special steel grade for bridges is “16Mnq”, the special steel grade for automobile girders is “16MnL”, and the special steel grade for pressure vessels is “16MnR”.

Variable Peristaltic Pump

Variable Peristaltic Pumpis a peristaltic dosing pump that can distribute many types of liquids, such as water-based liquid/shampoo/sauce/chemical-based liquid, etc.

The flow rate of the industrial variable speed Peristaltic Pump can be adjusted by the digital knob to adjust the motor speed to achieve the effect of adjusting the flow rate

The liquid only gets in touch with the Peristaltic Pump Tubing, will not cause cross-contamination. it's suitable for Liquid transfer occasions with high cleanliness requirements, Eg. : food/beverage/cosmetic/medical/biopharmaceutical...

For the Peristaltic Pump Tubing, We have different material choices for your various liquids. The standard tube is silicon tubing which conforms to the FDA certificate. Except that we also offer the Saint-Gobain imported tubing, Eg.: Norprene®A-60-F/Norprene®chemical /Pharmed® BPT... Which suitable for various chemical-based liquid.

Suitable for various industrial applications.

Variable Peristaltic Pump,Intelligent Programmable Pump,Dosing Peristaltic Pump,Timed Quantitative Pumps

Baoding Chuangrui Precision Pump Co., Ltd. , https://www.chuangruipump.com