Go, go to the Daming Palace Diamond Store to see the stars! Abandoning the National Day holiday, Xiaobian wants to see the star. In the high-end solid wood furniture experience hall of the Daming Palace Diamond Store, star actors Tang Guoqiang and Mr. Liu Jin, like many consumers who love solid wood furniture, experience more new solid wood furniture to bring visual and experience enhancement. In this search shop, we and the stars came to know about the Nanyang Dick solid wood furniture experience hall located in the diamond shop of Daming Palace. In this four-storey shop, the living room, bedroom, study, dining room, entrance hall and other functional spaces were displayed. The solid wood furniture, the display space created by the famous teachers also makes people have more effects on the future home. Liu Jin said in an interview: The overall characteristics of Nanyang Dick's products in Shaanxi's local solid wood furniture are relatively calm and atmospheric. The combination of some traditional Chinese concepts and Western characteristics not only conforms to the traditional Chinese concept, but also fashion. element. Nanyang Dick Solid Wood Furniture Experience Hall in Daming Palace Diamond Store Famous Performing Artist: Mr. Tang Guoqiang Famous Performing Artist: Mr. Liu Jin, Wood Storage Cabinet, Four Storey Shop, Designing Chic Living Room Furniture Products Bedroom Furniture Products Bedroom Furniture Products Study Room Furniture Products Living Room And dining room furniture products leisure tables and chairs bedroom furniture products living room furniture products side cabinet meal seat furniture products living room furniture products
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