Russia leads the European plastic pipe market demand increases

Recently, Ceresana, a well-known market research institute, published a report on the European plastic pipe market research.

The report pointed out that with the groundbreaking work of Russia's large-scale natural gas pipeline project to Central Europe, the demand for plastic pipes in Europe is increasing. According to Ceresana, the demand for plastic pipes in Europe is expected to increase to 51 million tons in 2021.

The research institute said that although more than half of the world's pipelines are still produced from steel materials, thanks to its low cost and light weight characteristics, plastic pipes will take the largest market share in the next few years.

Plastic pipe

Ceresana (Cergy Sachtler), said that Russia is Europe's largest consumer of plastic pipe. With the strong rebound in the construction industry in the next few years the country's demand for plastic pipes efforts will be further increased.

In recent years, the EU has increased its investment in drinking water pipes and subsidies. In view of this, market analysts believe that the demand for plastic pipes in Eastern Europe will increase at a rate of 2% from 2014 to 2021.

However, the analyst also pointed out that due to the near-saturated market, the demand for plastic pipes in Western European countries will be very limited in the future.
Jiuzhi Plastics Network:


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