Various car water pump repair six steps

The water pump is one of the important components of the car engine cooling system. The function of the pump is to pressurize the coolant to ensure its circulation in the cooling system and accelerate the heat dissipation. As a long-term operation device, the pump will also malfunction during use. How to repair these faults?

1. Check the pump body and pulley for wear and damage, and replace if necessary. Check the pump shaft for bending, journal wear, and shaft end threads for damage. Check the blades on the impeller for cracks and shaft holes for serious wear. Check the degree of wear of the water seal and bakelite gasket. If it exceeds the limit of use, replace it with a new one. Check the wear of the bearing. The clearance of the bearing can be measured with a gauge. If it exceeds 0.10mm, the new bearing should be replaced.

2. After the pump is taken out, it can be decomposed in order. After disassembly, the parts should be cleaned and checked one by one to see if they are cracked, damaged or worn. If there are serious defects, they should be replaced.

3, water seal and seat repair: water seals such as wear and groove, can be smoothed with abrasive cloth, if worn, should be replaced; water seal seat if there are rough scratches, can be repaired with a flat reamer or on a lathe. Replace the new water seal assembly during overhaul.

4. Allow welding during the following damages on the pump body: the length is less than 30mm, and the crack does not extend to the bearing housing hole; the flange that is engaged with the cylinder head has a broken part; the oil seal seat hole is damaged. The bending of the pump shaft must not exceed 0.05mm, otherwise it should be replaced. Impeller blades should be replaced. If the pump shaft hole is worn out seriously, it should be replaced or set.

5. Check whether the pump bearing is rotating flexibly or has abnormal noise. If there is any problem with the bearing, it should be replaced.

6. After the pump is assembled, turn it by hand, the pump shaft should be free of jams, and the impeller and pump casing should be free from rubbing. Then check the pump displacement. If there is a problem, check the cause and eliminate it.

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Label: Various car water pump repair six steps

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