Fertilizing and speaking methods save money and increase efficiency

At present, the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers in the world is generally low. To solve the problem of low utilization rate of chemical fertilizers, in addition to adopting measures such as improving soil fertility, the selection of more reasonable fertilization methods can not only reduce costs, but also improve effective utilization of fertilizers. The specific fertilization methods are as follows:
1. Spreading and spreading is generally applied to the farmland before the planting of the crop, or the application of deep application, strip application, and acupoint application during the growth of the crop with higher density. As the base fertilizer is generally applied before or after ploughing, the advantage is that it can be evenly distributed to the soil tillage layer, which is beneficial to the early absorption and utilization of the root of the crop, and its disadvantage is that it is fixed with the soil. Nitrogen fertilizer is easy to lose when applied as top dressing. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers have poor mobility and permeability, and are difficult to be absorbed and utilized by crop roots on soil surface.
The application is usually carried out by layering before the planting, until the fertilizer is below 1-2 inches of the seed or seed, or after the crop is planted, the ditch is about 5-10 cm deep, and the soil is covered after application. The advantage is that the fertilizer is concentrated, the soil is fixed less, and the root layer of the crop is beneficial to the absorption and utilization of the crop, so the fertilizer efficiency is relatively high.
2. A method of applying concentrated fertilizer to the point of application. Generally, the depth of the hole is about 5-10 cm. After the fertilization, the soil is covered. In order to avoid the fertilizer with high concentration in the hole, the root of the crop is damaged. The organic fertilizer used in the hole must be fully decomposed in advance, the amount of fertilizer must be penetrated, and the depth and depth of the fertilization point. All should pay attention to maintain an appropriate distance from the roots of the crops. It is best to combine irrigation before applying soil after fertilization.
3, wheel application is generally suitable for perennial woody crops, especially fruit trees. The wheeling is generally centered on the trunk, and the wheel-shaped fertilization ditch is excavated along the corresponding land in the margin of the upper canopy. After fertilization, the soil can be covered, and the trunk can be intermittently dug into a symmetrical 2-4-meter long crescent shape. ditch. The depth of the fertilization ditch varies with the age of the tree and the depth of the root system. Generally, it is suitable to reduce the damage to the root by applying it to the vicinity of the absorption root. The area of ​​the fertilization ditch is generally wider than that of the field. When a large amount of organic fertilizer is applied to the fruit trees in the autumn and winter seasons, the fertilizer can also be applied in a circular area under the canopy in combination with the cultivated soil.
4, the application of the fertilizer is dissolved in water to form a fertilizer solution, and then drenched into the soil surface of the crop roots, which is mainly used for nitrogen fertilizer application of leafy vegetables. For the phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, it should be based on the base fertilizer because of the small mobility. It is not suitable to use the method of leaching, and a small part can also achieve the purpose of top dressing.
5, spraying is also called root external fertilizer, mainly used for the emblem element fertilizer, the amount is relatively economical, can avoid soil fixation, nutrient absorption fast, high efficiency, easy to control concentration, reduce pollution, when the root absorption capacity is weak in the late crop The foliar application of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can supplement the phosphorus and potassium nutrients, and has the effect of increasing the weight of the particles (phosphorus) and increasing the yield.
In short, in order to improve the total yield of crops and the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers, no matter which method is adopted, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are balancedly supplied in proportion, and the application of base fertilizer is lightly applied and topdressed. Foliar spray is supplemented. The above-mentioned different fertilization methods are used for crops due to climate.
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