Interim Jiahe: Lun Al Goes Up

Last Friday, LME Aluminum led the way through the uptrend and rose 18 US dollars, to close at 1907 US dollars. Turnover was 10048 lots, and volume was shrinking compared to Thursday. The market is relatively light. As for LME aluminum stocks, aluminum stocks fell by 1,725 ​​tons last Friday, and the total inventory is currently 503,900 tons. For London Aluminum's rise, the market believes that this is still the fund. Due to the continuation of the fund's package buying plan, the current market has risen. At the same time, the reduction in aluminum stocks also played a certain role in stimulating the market bulls. From the aspect of technical analysis, the current Lon-Aluminum market has a relatively long array of modalities, which also technically validates the current market situation and trends. Should keep the main idea.

In the domestic market, due to the “Eleventh” long holiday just passed, the domestic closed market caused a significant deviation between the current domestic market and the futures price trend in the international market, and this deviation will be a certain degree after the opening of the domestic market. Make up for this market situation and market psychology will become the current mainstream, so that the Shanghai aluminum market will also appear a clear up market.

Today, Shanghai Aluminum's 0511 contract opened at 16,650 yuan, with a higher price of 16,750 yuan and a lower price of 16,640 yuan. It closed at 16,700 yuan at noon.

Operation: The market bulls can continue to hold. No one should wait and see. (Zhao Wei)

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