Experimental Study on Internal Flow Field of Deep Well Pump (Part Two)

In addition, due to the instability of the fluid flow and the deviation of the valve ball, the asymmetry of the flow of the fluid relative to the valve ball will cause a certain degree of deflection to the valve ball so that the lateral force does not act on the ball center but on the horizontal plane There is a certain degree of eccentricity, so that the ball in the ball there is a rotation, the "rotation" phenomenon. The above conclusion is obtained in the case of pure liquid. In the gas-liquid mixed phase flow, due to the presence of bubbles, the disturbance of the flow field is more severe, and the bubble has a certain impact on the valve ball. At this time, the valve ball movement is more complicated. In addition to the rotational movement, there is also a violent fluctuation. 4.2 Single-phase flow valve ball PIV image processing results from the deep well pump valve position flow velocity vector can be seen that the flow around the valve ball is not symmetrical distribution of the left valve gap boundary layer continuation To the top of the ball before falling off. This shows that the fluid on both sides of the fixed valve clearance force on the valve ball is not balanced, so that the valve ball to produce rotational movement. With the increase of impulse and the increase of fluid velocity, the valve ball boundary layer departs earlier and the asymmetry of the flow field around the valve ball still exists. Therefore, the eccentricity of valve ball is more intense, which is similar to that observed in the experiment Valve ball movement is consistent. It can be seen that the lateral deviation of the valve ball from the axis due to the lateral impact of the fluid on the valve ball and the effect of its "rotation" cause the valve ball to have a certain lag time when the valve ball is opened and closed, Pumping efficiency is reduced, resulting in pump stroke loss. In addition, due to non-streamlined valve seat shape, making inhalation resistance increases, but also to increase the valve ball lag time, and to increase the ball valve disturbance. This valve ball drift and disturbance and valve ball and valve seat shape has a great relationship, in order to make the ball as close as possible under the ideal vertical movement up and down, and in order to reduce the valve gap flow resistance, you can improve the valve The hood and seat design allow the valve housing to limit the bounce height of the valve ball. In ensuring the maximum flow area at the same time as far as possible to make the vertical movement of the ball only up and down, and the valve cover and seat design streamlined, in order to reduce the flow resistance. These improvements can reduce the valve ball disturbance and shorten the opening and closing of the lag time, so as to achieve the purpose of improving pump efficiency. In addition, it can be seen from the curl of the flow field in this part that there are two obvious vortices between the bottom end of the plunger of the swimming valve and the pump barrel. This is because when the plunger performs the down stroke movement, the bottom end of the plunger flows down due to a certain area of ​​the bottom end of the plunger, so that the liquid pressing the bottom thereof during the downward movement is downward. At this moment, the floating valve ball is in the open state, and the liquid at the lower end of the floating valve ball is pressed into the floating valve gap and enters the plunger cavity to cause liquid backflow at the bottom part of the plunger to form a vortex. Both of these vortices greatly increase the overcurrent resistance of the liquid and also increase the disturbance of the traveling valve ball. In order to eliminate the vortex and reduce the over-current resistance, the piston bottom cross-sectional area can be minimized, and make it bell-shaped appearance, thereby reducing the over-current resistance. 4.3 PIV single-phase flow at the plunger outlet image processing results Single-phase flow at the top of the plunger outlet flow velocity vector. As can be seen from the figure, the top of the plunger outlet presents the following characteristics of the flow field: the internal flow of the plunger symmetrical flow state, and streamline distribution more evenly. This shows that the internal plunger flow stability, the general laminar flow state, which is from the exit of the plunger flow field curvature can be more clearly seen. However, at the exit of the plunger, due to the reduction of the cross section of the flow and the change of the shape of the cross section, the fluid produces a horizontal velocity component at the exit of the plunger, especially at the corner where vortices appear, creating negative pressure and increasing Flow resistance. With the increase of the stroke, the vortex at the corner of the outlet of the plunger is also continuously strengthened, and the overcurrent resistance at the outlet also increases correspondingly. In order to reduce the vortex generation, it can be seen from the analysis of this part that if the corner of the outlet of the plunger is designed to be streamlined or chamfering is to be made in this part, the vortex should be minimized so as to reduce the overcurrent resistance at this part. 5 It is suggested that the following improvements should be made to the deep well pump: (1) The valve ball is a major part of the deep well pump and also a consumable part, which determines the efficiency of the pump and the pump cycle. It is suggested to use eccentric ball valve for the mixed-flow deep well pump, drop-shaped ball valve for the deep well with small flow passage and conical valve ball with the seal rubber for the deep well pump with sand for oil well. (2) Under the condition that the maximum flow area is guaranteed, the shape of the overcurrent section of the valve dome should be minimized to reduce the overcurrent resistance. (3) In designing the structure of the plunger, consideration should be given to designing the suction inlet at the lower end of the plunger to be streamlined or flared to reduce its suction resistance. While ensuring the maximum overcurrent section at the outlet of the plunger, the outlet passage of the plunger is also designed to be streamlined to reduce the overcurrent resistance at the outlet of the plunger.

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