The key points of cultivation techniques of cherry radish

Cherry radish has a small fleshy root, bright color, delicate texture and rich nutrition. The edible method can be eaten raw, fried, flooded, side dish, etc., which is favored by consumers. Moreover, the cherry radish grows fast and has a short growth cycle. It is cultivated by facilities and can be cultivated for more than 10 每年 per year. It is a new type of vegetable that is easy to cultivate and has a fast yield. The main points of its cultivation techniques are as follows. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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First, land preparation and fertilization. Cultivated in a suitable soil, the growth of fleshy roots can be better, the shape is correct, the outer skin is smooth, the color is good, and the quality is good. Therefore, the requirements for land preparation are deep ploughing, drying soil, leveling, meticulous, and uniform fertilization. In this way, it can promote the increase of effective nutrients and beneficial microorganisms in the soil, and can store water and protect fertilizer, which is beneficial to absorb roots to absorb nutrients and water. Fertilization is based on base fertilizer and generally does not require topdressing. Organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer can be applied at one time. Because of its short growth period and small fleshy roots, the type and quantity of fertilizers are not strict. Generally, about 2,000 kilograms of fermented manure per acre is used for seed fertilizer. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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Generally used in flat cultivation, the cockroach can be made slightly smaller, which is easy to manage. It can also be cultivated in small high ridges, but the ridges should not be too high, about 10 cm. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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Second, sowing. Seed quality inspection must be paid before sowing. The freshness of cherry radish seeds not only affects germination and emergence, but also affects yield and quality. It is recommended to choose new seeds harvested in the next 1-2 years. Seeds stored under high temperature and humid conditions, the root tip of the radicle is easily destroyed, the germination rate is low after sowing, and the emergence is slow, and the size of the radish seed also has a certain influence on growth and yield. For seeds with a heavier weight of 1000 grains, the cotyledons are large, the true leaves appear early, grow fast, and until harvest, they can always maintain a strong growth momentum and have obvious yield-increasing effects. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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趁墒 sowing, spreading or striping, the line spacing is 10-15 cm, the plant spacing is 3-4 cm, the sowing depth is 1.5-2 cm, and the seeding amount is 1000-1500 g. When planting in the open field in spring, the bottom water should be poured before sowing. After sowing, cover the soil 2-3 cm to prevent soil compaction and evaporation of water. In the Hengshui area of ​​Hebei Province, cherry radish intercropped with zucchini and melon, and received good results. Sowing the cherry radish in the melon of the melon can avoid the harvest period. The suburbs of Beijing will also work with the lettuce in the protected area, and the effect is also very good. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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Third, the field management Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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1. Watering: Cherry radish grows very quickly, and it is densely planted. It needs more water. It should be watered frequently after sowing to promote rapid growth and improve straight root yield and quality. The watering should be light, so as not to rush the straight roots, especially the straight roots to expose the soil. 10-15 days after sowing, the roots are swollen and swollen quickly, especially watering. 2-3 days before harvesting, proper control of moisture, especially long-form varieties, excessive moisture, easy to crack straight root. If the soil is too dry, the diameter of the root is coarse and hard, the spicy taste is strong, and the quality is obviously reduced. The cultivation of cherry radish by hydroponic culture and sand culture method is widely used in foreign countries because of the balanced supply of fertilizer and water, good growth and high yield, straight roots, tender and crisp, and edible leaves and straight roots. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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2, between the seedlings, fixed seedlings: 3-4 days after sowing, the seeds germinated and unearthed, after the emergence of 1-2 tablets of true leaves, divided into 2-3 times of seedlings, the removal of weak seedlings, crowded seedlings, diseased seedlings. It is suitable to keep the distance between plants at about 10 cm. Too dense, the leaves are easy to yellow, the straight root color is not bright (especially the rosy variety of the roots); too thin, the yield per unit area is low. Watering should be done once after each seedling. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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3, top dressing: cherry radish grows fast, in addition to the application of base fertilizer, it is also necessary to pursue quick-acting fertilizer 2-3 times as appropriate. For the first time in 2-3 leaves, the fertilizer concentration should be thin, 50 kg of water plus 100 g of urea; to 4-5 pieces of leaves, the straight roots rapidly expand, at this time 50 kg of water in addition to adding 100 g of urea, then join 50 g of potassium chloride was dissolved and applied. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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4, timely cultivating weeding: especially in autumn cultivation, its own cherry radish plants are small, the early growth is the hot and rainy season, weeds grow vigorously. Eliminating weeds maintains the air content of the soil, so the soil surface is often kept loose to prevent soil compaction. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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5, pest control: common aphids, armor, black spot, downy mildew and so on. For the prevention and treatment of soft rot, it can be sprayed with 65% sensible zinc wettable powder 500 times liquid; black spot can be sprayed with 50% chlorothalonil WP powder 500 times liquid; for the control of mites and leaf miners 1.5% Fruit powder; 2.5% trichlorfon powder can be used to control cabbage caterpillars. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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Fourth, harvest. Cherry radish generally grows for 25-30 days. The fleshy roots are beautiful and bright, and the diameter can reach 2 cm. It can be harvested one after another. However, it should be noted that the harvest time is different in different cultivation seasons. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to timely harvest, prematurely affect the yield, and delay the fiber. Increased is prone to cracking roots, jealousy, affecting commodity traits. Water the soil before harvest to make the soil soft and moist. When harvested, the stems and leaves together with the fleshy roots can be pulled up. After harvesting, the leaves are washed, and each 50 plants are bundled into a bundle. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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