Manual proportional multi-way valve profile

Manual proportional multi-way valve MHV-32 manual proportional valve, the maximum flow 800L / min maximum pressure 430bar, suitable for engineering machinery, mining, metallurgy, shipbuilding, pharmaceutical and other industries, is a pressure-sensitive load-sensing ratio of multi-way Valve, the maximum working pressure 420bar, single-chip maximum flow of 380l / min. It uses a unified, modular design as a whole, providing a reliable system solution for the manufacturer of construction vehicles. Users should be based on functional requirements of the valve body for different combinations, simple and reliable. Either simple load-sensitive manual multi-way valve, but also can be independent of the load and the pump flow has nothing to do with the unsaturated function of the electronically controlled proportional control valve, Hydraulic Senior Network consultant Li believes that at present our country to do multi-valve hydraulic Most of the engineers to design applications based on the valve itself for system design and development needs to be improved.

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