Pesticide formula effectively cures melon blight

A melon farmer asked to plant netted melons in the greenhouse. There were dark green to yellow-brown round spots on the leaves, and semi-circular lesions on the leaves. The base of the stems was rotted around the stems and the branches were yellowish brown. There are a lot of black dots, and the plants above the diseased department are withered. What is the disease? How to use pesticides for prevention? The expert answers the question as follows:
According to the description of the symptoms of the disease, melon blight has occurred on the melon in the shed. The answer to the occurrence and prevention of the disease is as follows:
Symptoms mainly damage the stems and leaves of melons, and are also harmful to melons. The diseased part was dark green wet rot at first, then turned yellowish brown, often cracking. When the stem of the stem is severe, the disease is surrounded by a week, and the diseased part is wilting, causing the whole plant to die. The blade is initially rounded, or has a "V" shape, or a semicircular lesion, inward from the leaf edge, and then the disease develops into a piece. In the later stage, it is easy to see the beginning of the light color, followed by the black dot (conidia). Pay attention to the symptoms of the disease, which is different from the yellow-brown wet rot of the sclerotium nucleus disease, with white hyphae, which will produce black granular sclerotia.
The pesticide network Xiaobian introduces specific prevention and treatment suggestions for everyone:
1 Agricultural control: planting selection of excellent varieties of western and melon resistant to strong (resistant) disease, this is the most effective prevention and control measures, disinfection of bed soil, spraying new high-fat film 800 times liquid, heat preservation and isolation Germs, cultivate strong seedlings. Strengthen the indoor temperature and humidity management, reasonable ventilation to reduce the humidity in the field, and timely remove the diseased body, reduce the source of re-infection of the bacteria.
2 chemical control: Melon in the seedling stage, found that there are diseases, spraying a new high-fat film 800 times liquid, after the topping and flowering, spraying the tree generals spray control, protecting the wound and preventing the occurrence of disease; spraying in the early stage of the disease General guardian tree, once every 5~7 days after medication, and then continue for 2~3 times, pay attention to the alternate rotation of the medicament. In the initial lesion of the stalk at the base of the stem, the callus and antiseptic film can also be used for prevention and treatment.

The Pesticide Information Network reminds everyone to pay attention to the amount of pesticides when using drugs to prevent and treat diseases. It is important to avoid the economic damage caused by excessive use of drugs.

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